Got A Stubborn Kid? Or Is Your Child Lying To You? Here Are A Few Tips To Deal With Them

30 July 2021
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From demanding attention to lying, children can be a handful to deal with. And as they grow, their surroundings have both good and bad effects on them. Education plays an important role in the overall growth and development of a child. At Podar International School, equal importance is given to value-based knowledge wherein children can grow into the best versions of themselves. Schools in India, with their special education classes, do introduce value-based teaching every now and then, but continuing this at home helps them understand and apply this better. Here are some effective ways of how you can deal with your stubborn child -

  1. If you are trying to cut down on your child’s screen time and nothing seems to work with them, try not to argue as this will make them more rebellious and stubborn. Instead, try forming a bond with them- for example, if you are trying to cut down on your child’s TV time, try watching their favorite shows with them, build a happy connection, and then after a short while, you can ask your child to either to do their homework or read a book while you’re sitting close by. This helps create happy connections with your child and helps reduce the negativity surrounding chores or schoolwork.

  2. Another great way to overcome your child’s stubbornness is to start small and provide choices. Introducing big changes and enforcing them can make your stubborn child more rebellious and make them more prone to tantrums. Instead, start small and provide easy and simple choices as too many will complicate matters. For example- if you want your child to work on their math, try starting with one worksheet or give them a choice between a worksheet or a fun math game. This not only helps build good habits but also pique your child’s interest around it.

  3. It is true when they say that parents are their children’s first teachers. Make sure to provide a supportive and healthy environment around the house- as children truly model their own behavior on their parents. Being polite to your family members and avoiding arguments, can be great ways to be a good role model to your children who learn quite a lot from observation.

  4. Developing a set routine is key to reducing outbursts and stubbornness in kids. Setting a proper bedtime and being consistent with it, setting aside dedicated time for homework, and building other skills and time for their leisure. This helps to build efficient patterns in children and helps with their behavior both at home and in school. Make sure to set a bedtime that ensures your child gets enough rest and sleep as lack of it leads to behavioral issues between the ages of 3 to 12 years.

  5. Establishing Clear Cut Consequences helps set boundaries for your children especially if your child is lying to you. Being extremely rigid or lax can exacerbate bad habits in kids so striking a clear balance is key. Having a discussion and making your expectations clear regarding bad behavior makes your child aware of the consequences should he break the rules or lie to you. Additionally, introduce positive reinforcements and rewards for your children if they are consistently good with their behavior as this can also encourage your child to be more consistent with good habits than bad.

At Podar, we create an inclusive and open environment for students to have a friendly relationship with teachers. The teachers also inculcate good values in them from a young age.

To enroll your child in a healthy schooling environment such as this, click here.

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