The Do's and Don'ts of Group Study

22 November 2023
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Studying can often feel like a solitary endeavour, but there's great value in coming together with peers to form study groups. At Podar International School, group study can be a highly effective tool for learning and retaining information. However, there are sure do's and don'ts to make group study productive and efficient. Let’s explore the best practices and pitfalls to avoid when engaging in group study sessions.

The Do's of Group Study

Set Clear Goals:
Do: Begin your group study session by setting clear and achievable goals. What topics will you cover? What do you want to accomplish during the session?

Prepare in Advance:
Do: Ensure that all group members come prepared with their study materials, notes, and questions. This will make the session more productive.

Stay Organized:
Do: Maintain an organised approach during group study. Use study guides, timelines, and task lists to keep track of your progress.

Active Participation:
Do: Encourage active participation from all group members. Ask questions, engage in discussions, and provide explanations when necessary.

Teach Each Other:
Do: Use the group study as an opportunity to teach one another. Explaining concepts to someone else reinforces your understanding.

Diverse Perspectives:
Do: Embrace the diversity of perspectives within your group. Different viewpoints can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Take Breaks:
Do: Incorporate short breaks during your study session to maintain focus and avoid burnout. A 5-10 minute break every hour is usually effective.

Stay on Track:
Do: Keep the group on track by gently guiding the discussion back to the study material if it veers off-topic.

Use Technology Wisely:
Do: Utilize technology, such as online study platforms or collaboration tools, to enhance your group study experience.

The Don'ts of Group Study

Don't: Avoid turning the group study session into a social gathering. While camaraderie is excellent, the primary focus should be on learning.

Monopolising the Session:
Don't: Avoid monopolising the session by talking excessively or focusing only on your needs. Everyone should have a chance to participate.

Getting Off-Track:
Don't: Stray from the study material or engage in unrelated discussions. This can waste precious study time.

Skipping Preparation:
Don't: Come to the group study session unprepared. It's unfair to expect others to do the heavy lifting for you.

Lack of Accountability:
Don't: Allow a lack of accountability within the group. Assign roles or responsibilities to ensure that everyone contributes.

Excessive Distractions:
Don't Let distractions disrupt the study session. Turn off or silence your phones and minimize other potential distractions.

Overloading the Session:
Don't: Avoid overloading the session with too much material. This can lead to rushed discussions and a lack of comprehension.

Avoiding Difficult Topics:
Don't: Shy away from challenging or complex topics. Group study is an opportunity to tackle difficult subjects collectively.

Benefits of Group Study

  • Diverse Perspectives: Group study exposes you to different viewpoints and approaches to solving problems, enriching your understanding.
  • Active Learning: Engaging in discussions, teaching others, and answering questions are all forms of active learning that aid in information retention.
  • Enhanced Motivation: Group study provides motivation and accountability. You are more likely to stay on track when others depend on your contribution.
  • Shared Resources: Group members can share notes, materials, and resources, making it easier to cover more ground.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Group discussions often involve problem-solving, helping you develop essential critical thinking skills.

Group study can be a powerful tool for academic success when done right. By following the do's and avoiding the don'ts, you can ensure that your group study sessions are productive, focused, and beneficial. The benefits of diverse perspectives, active learning, motivation, shared resources, and problem-solving skills make group study an integral part of your learning journey. At Podar International School, we encourage collaborative learning and provide students with the resources and guidance to maximise their group study experiences. Through such collective efforts, students truly thrive academically and develop crucial life skills.


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