How To Raise A Confident Child: Qualities of Schools Imbibe In Your Children

11 December 2020
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Exposure to various cultures, flexibility of time, liberal choices and so on; top schools in India have a unique approach to education and holistic learning and here's how they help your kids become confident adults.

Move Out Of The Comfort Zone

Complacency is often the root cause of a lot of problems in a student’s life. It’s very easy for kids to believe that once they’re good at something, they don’t need to work any longer and thrive to become better. Here’s where the culture of top schools in India comes in handy. Any of the best schools in India will encourage its students to step out of their comfort zone. They will be the first to encourage kids to pursue with passion what they’re good at and hone their skills. For example, top schools in India such as Podar International will push their kids to participate in global sporting and vocational tournaments. This way, the kids are exposed to a whole new culture, different sets of people and at a young age are taught to adapt to their surroundings. Apart from the fact that this way they’re pushed to step out of their comfort zone and face global competition, they’re also automatically made to think better and faster. Many of the best schools in India also encourage their students to participate in global exchange programs that help them build a more holistic perspective. These activities allow students to gain global exposure, interact with diverse groups of people and also take a step closer to becoming more independent (and a whole lot confident).

“Acceptance” Is The Way Forward

International schools focus largely on treating all individuals with equal love and respect. The culture of acceptance plays a huge role in imbibing confidence in children from a very young age. Schools such a Podar International have children from varied backgrounds, religions and upbringing brought together under one roof. It is the job of the teachers and the school community to make each child feel accepted, comfortable and at ease. Correcting children’s attitude, too, plays an important role. Children are taught to speak with dignity and respect, and are corrected each time they derail. This way, children become more receptive to new environments, people, have better self confidence and self esteem and most importantly, learn to love themselves. To imbibe confidence in a child, it’s essential to make the child feel completely accepted. Interestingly, this way children also learn to have more honest, open conversations with their peers, teachers and even parents.

Independence Is Key

When someone asks how to build confidence in children, one of the first answers is - let them independent. And top schools in India stand by this practice fully. When it comes to imbibing confidence in students, schools will first and foremost teach them to be self reliant. By this, we mean that they're taught to study on their own, find solutions to their problems, help their peers, and tell them that it’s okay to fail. Success isn’t just about coming first. Success is also determined by how hard you try and how much effort you take to make it on your own. This practice gives children confidence and makes them believe they can achieve everything with hard work.

Make Challenges Manageable

When we say that the best schools in India will always let the kids do it themselves and not set them up for failure, we also mean that they give them challenges that are manageable and within limits for the students. While it’s important to push yourself harder to do things, it’s also necessary to know your own limits. Top schools will always consult with parents to understand the kids better. A large part of this activity is to build and focus on emotional development; laying the framework of a task and helping kids strategize and think through. While doing so, kids are also taught to understand that if and when they ever need help, it is available to them. This in turn imbibes confidence in a child to want to do the task right without worrying.

If you as a parent agree with the aforementioned points and want nothing but the best for your child, check out Podar International School. As an institution, they immensely care about the all-round development of your child. Click here to know more about their admission process.

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