“Education make people easy to lead but difficult to drive, easy to govern but impossible to enslave.”

I feel privileged to lead such an exciting and vibrant school, which offers great opportunities for the young people. It is our goal to make each and every student to succeed. We offer our students the best possible opportunities to become confident, thoughtful young people who are prepared for any future challenges, in an exciting and increasingly global world.

Education is not merely acquirement's of facts but also of values which help us improve the different facets of mankind. A pivotal role of education lies in shaping the personality of a child into healthy mind and happy soul, who is not only equipped with 21st century skill and aptitude required for academic excellence but helping him face the challenges of life in a balanced and harmonious way.

Today, children in India are growing in a more challenging and demanding environment. The rate of change in every sphere is rapid with the enhanced knowledge exchange and technology development, the world is going flatter.

Globalization demands a new dimension to our approach to education. The school curriculum is oriented to bolster the physical, emotional, social and cultural needs of the students. A strong requirement today is to simultaneously weave a firm moral fiber in the students’ personality. The key to this goal is to pursue a value based education process. The practice of value oriented process acts as a nucleus around which all our school activities revolve. We are very conscious of the fact that emotional stability plays a very significant role in the healthy growth of a child. One of the important tools to achieve this is through more interaction and one to one rapport with our children. This open and interactive approach also helps in discovering and strengthening inherent talent in the students. All our school activities are based on a participatory spirit that reduces the inhibition levels of the students and thus assists the students in becoming aware of their potential. The school atmosphere evokes a team spirit amongst the students and teachers with a conviction that ‘We can do it’. We promote the joy and excitement of learning and also enjoy the pleasure of our achievements.

Visitors are always welcome to make an appointment to visit Podar International School and see what we have to offer the young people of our local community, talk to our staff and students and see us in action.

I look forward to welcoming you to ensure the best standard of education and personal development for your child.

Ms. Sameera Bakht
Principal, Podar International School - Khandwa

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