Dear Parents,

By education, I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man- in body, mind and spirit”. – M. K. Gandhi.

Thanks for entrusting “Podar International School Ujjain” for the educational odyssey of your child.

With the mission and vision of Podar Education Network all over India, we at PIS Ujjain aim “To develop and equip the children of today for the challenges of the 21st Century”.

Children are born with the great potential; it’s the Guru or the school, which brings out the magical power of human mind. The main purpose of the education is to train a soul to lead the life successfully with its utmost growth and pleasure.

We, at Podar International School, strive hard to develop these hidden potential of human mind in each child. Our entire curriculum is designed in such a way that it targets the holistic development of the child. The doctrine is unraveling each child’s potential, is our fundamental responsibility which will surely lead to the joy of schooling.

We, at PIS Ujjain, focus to promote physical, mental and spiritual development of a child and to motivate learners towards the attainment of knowledge of the whole world by integrating creativity of life and constructive capacities.

Our long term goal of educating is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover to create people who are capable of doing new things. The school also provides its students with the opportunity to gain global exposure by appearing in international level exams like WGSE (World Genius Search Exam).

Schooling is joy at Podar International School Ujjain, children enjoy learning when they are engaged and exited. Motherly touch and blissful ambiance makes our school the best education hub.

With Best Wishes
Sanjeev Kumar Bhawsar
(MA, M.Phil in English Literature, Bed, MBA)
Principal, Podar International School - Ujjain

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