Tips for Teaching Good Touch Bad Touch to Your Child

11 November 2023
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At Podar International School, our students' safety and well-being are paramount. As responsible educators and parents, we must equip our children with the knowledge and understanding of good and bad touch. While this is a sensitive topic, addressing it in a supportive and age-appropriate manner is essential to ensure the safety and security of our children. Let’s discuss tips for teaching children about good touch and bad touch, focusing on communication, trust, and awareness.

Understanding Good Touch and Bad Touch

Before we delve into the tips, let's establish what good touch and bad touch mean:

Good Touch: Good touch refers to physical contact that makes a child feel safe, comfortable, and loved. Examples of good touches include hugs, holding hands, and high-fives. These touches are usually given by parents, caregivers, or trusted individuals.

Bad Touch: Bad touch, on the other hand, involves any physical contact that makes a child feel uncomfortable, scared, or threatened. This could be anything from hitting, pushing, or unwanted touching of private body parts. Bad touches typically come from individuals who do not have the child's best interests at heart.

Tips for Teaching Good Touch Bad Touch

Start Early: Start teaching your child about good and bad touch at an early age. Use simple language and age-appropriate examples that they can understand. The goal is to establish open communication from the beginning.

Use Clear Language: When explaining the concept, use simple language. Avoid euphemisms or vague terms. Teach your child the names of their body parts, including the private ones. This clarity helps them better communicate if something makes them uncomfortable. You can start by teaching a very young child about the parts of their body using simple language. For instance, during bath time, you can say, "These are your arms and legs." Gradually, as they grow, you can introduce the names of private body parts in a matter-of-fact way

Create a Safe Environment: Encourage your child to ask questions and express their feelings without fear of judgment. Let them know they can come to you with any concerns, and you will listen and support them.

Teach Body Autonomy: Help your child understand that their body is their own, and they have the right to say "no" to any touch that makes them uncomfortable. Reinforce that it's okay to assert their boundaries.

Recognise Trusted Individuals: Make sure your child knows who the trusted adults are. These are individuals whom they can approach if they ever feel unsafe or encounter a situation they don't understand.

Role-Playing: Engage in role-playing scenarios to help your child understand the difference between good and bad touch. Use everyday situations and ask them what they would do if someone made them uncomfortable. You can engage in a role-playing scenario with your child. Say, "Imagine a friend wants to play with your toy, but you don't want them to. What would you say or do?" This helps them understand setting boundaries and saying "no."

Safe and Unsafe Secrets: Teach your child about safe and unsafe secrets. Let them know it's okay to share safe secrets with parents or trusted adults, while unsafe secrets (those that make them feel uncomfortable or scared) should be immediately shared with you. You can say, "If a friend tells you a secret about their birthday party and asks you to keep it, that's a safe secret. But if someone tells you a secret that makes you feel weird or uncomfortable, like telling you not to tell anyone they touched you, that's an unsafe secret, and you should always tell me about it."

Body Language and Instincts: Help your child recognise body language and instincts that may signal discomfort or danger. Teach them to trust their "gut feeling" and act on it. You can point out a situation during a walk: "See how that child looks unhappy when the other child pushes them? If you ever feel like this and someone's touch makes you feel weird, you should trust your feelings and let me know.

Books and Educational Resources: Several age-appropriate books and resources available that can aid in teaching children about good touch and bad touch. Utilise these materials to reinforce the lessons.

Regular Conversations: Keep the conversation ongoing. It's essential to revisit the topic regularly and ask your child if they have any concerns or questions. Encourage open dialogue without making them feel pressured.

School Involvement: Collaborate with your child's school to ensure they also incorporate age-appropriate lessons about good and bad touch. Reinforce the importance of this concept both at home and at school.

Internet Safety: As children grow, it's crucial to educate them about online safety, which includes recognising and reporting inappropriate online behaviour or content.

Teaching children about good and bad touch is a sensitive but essential aspect of parenting and education. Following these tips and creating a safe and open environment empowers your child to understand the difference between safe and unsafe physical interactions. Your child's safety and well-being should always be the top priority, and by fostering open communication and trust, you play a crucial role in their protection. Podar International School is committed to creating a safe and nurturing educational environment for all our students. We aim to empower our students with the knowledge and confidence needed to protect themselves by addressing sensitive topics like good and bad touch.


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