Dear Friends,

Welcome you all to Podar International School, Mysuru!

School education is the continuation of child’s mental and psychological growth. Learning begins from the moment the child is born. Schools will only provide the structured learning and hence promotes child’s overall growth. However the school has the greatest responsibility of facilitating child’s learning and progress from one stage to the next. We are committed in providing our students the breadth of learning and range of skills. Every individual is unique. Every student is blessed with one or the other skills. Some may be intellectually brilliant, some may be emotionally sensitive. It is the challenge for the school educators to understand each child and help him/her accordingly so as to facilitate their learning and progress.

Present generation has the access to huge bank of information. A child can explore anything related to his/her interest with minimum efforts. But it is important for the schools to facilitate their learning. It is the collective role of the parent and the school to help child imbibe values in them.

Podar Education Network spreading knowledge from last 89 years is a pillar of strength to every school situated at different locations of India. We are confident of producing global citizens by providing opportunities for learning.

A student at Podar International School, Mysuru will not only excel in academics, but due importance has been given to co scholastic areas. The school is blessed with having separate teams to work for academics, creative curriculum, hobby and sports, technology etc. Care is taken to nurture child’s creativity. We bring changes when the situation demands. The change may be in our approach, methodology or teaching content. The school is strongly supported by the curriculum team to help and monitor the student progress. Podar International School has separate inclusive education cell to take care of students with learning needs.

We are striving to give responsible citizen to the country. We are here to help our students get equipped with necessary skills to take the challenges of ever progressing world. We are confident of setting higher standards every year.

Krishna Bangera
Principal, Podar International School - Mysuru (Hebbal)

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