House Competition 'Comic Trivia Tournament' - 2024

Ink and Imagination - Crafting Tales through Comics

"Quest for the Ultimate Comic Knowledge!!!
Comics have been an effective visual tool in communicating ideas ,thoughts and stories for a long time.Comics continue to enthrall children and adults alike with their easy to understand sketches and vocabulary. It is one of the funways to quickly communicate anything in a little strip format.

Comic Trivia Tournament attempts to bring the students to delve into their knowledge on their favourite comics and compete for their house.

Bus Evacuation Drill - 2024
It was conducted to brief the students about emergency evacuation due to continuous rain which results in water logging or catches fire. The use of hammer and use of emergency back Door was briefed to the students.
Mock Fire Drill Evacuation - 2024
"Fighting flames, saving lives. Bringing calm to chaos. Be Fire ready, stay fire safe." Mock Fire Evacuation Drill was conducted to create an awareness among students on how to evacuate building at the time of emergency. Fire exit plan and use of fire extinguishers, hose pipe, fire alarm, fire bitter, fire hook etc were briefed up.
Field Trip 'Visit to a Bookstore - Crossword, Sadar Grade VI-VII' - 2024
Integrated English 'Ink and Imagination'
Expert Speak 'Meet a Cartoon Artist' - 2024
In order to extend the exposure, the school organised an Expert Speak with a renowned and passionate Cartoonist, An Illustrator and a Digital Artist Mr Suresh Rahangdale. The students, through this experience, received a widened, practical view on how what they are learning connects with the present and what happened in the past. He also gave a live demo of a cartoon character.
Special Assembly 'Legends of Laughter - A Tribute to Comic creators' - 2024
INK AND IMAGINATION - A special assembly is organised today as a tribute to the Legendary Comic Artist,popular worldwide. We acknowledge their contribution to the world of Comics through this event. The students enacted as Anant Rai-creator of Amar Chitra Katha, Stan Lee-creator of Marvel Comics, Charles Schulz-creator of Peanuts and Pran Kumar Sharma - creator Of Chacha Chaudhary.
EPTA Meeting 2023-24
Art Exhibition 'Art in Focus - A Mega' - 2024
"Let the strokes of creativity guide your imagination as you explore art exhibitions. Discover the world of artistic expression and creativity. Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion". "ART IN FOCUS-A MEGA, ART EXHIBITION" It was inaugurated by the hands of the renowned Artist Mr Bijay Biswal, an artist with National and International acclaim. The Annual Exhibition proudly displayed the artistic talent of the students in the Seven Elements of Art:Line, Colour, Shape, Form, Space, Texture and Value. The Exhibition was abuzz with excitement and fervor as it showcased the handicrafts of the students in their myriad hues. The Art teachers Mr Kameshwar Patle and Ms Priya Tiwari were honoured with certificates for their dedication.
Culminating Event 'Thematic Unit - Lets take a trip Grade 2' - 2024


The students were divided into five groups and were assigned different destinations. They enacted as a Tourist Guide.

*Uttar Pradesh Tourism-Taj Mahal via boat
*Maharashtra Tourism- Ajanta and Ellora Caves via ship
*Telangana Tourism-Charminar via Bus
*Rajasthan Tourism- Hawa Mahal via Airplane
*Orissa Tourism- Konark Sun Temple via Train

Podar Volunteer Program 'Wall Painting At Balasaheb Thakre Gorewada International Zoological Parking Awareness Program' - 2024
The main aim of Podar Volunteer Program is to encourage students to give back to their communities. It instills in students the idea that they can make the world a better place. Volunteer opportunities for Children teach important social emotional skills such as compassion, social awareness , relationship skills, leadership and more. It provides them with a sense of purpose and helps them strengthen their social emotional core. The students of Grade IX painted Walls of Gorewada International Zoological Park spreading awareness towards the environment and animals.
Podar Volunteer Program 'Visit to Animal Rescue Centre - Grade 7 and 8' - 2024
The main aim of Podar Volunteer Program is to encourage students to give back to their communities. It instills in students the idea that they can make the world a better place. Volunteer opportunities for Children teach important social emotional skills such as compassion, social awareness , relationship skills, leadership and more. It provides them with a sense of purpose and helps them strengthen their social emotional core. The students of grade VII-VIII visited Animal Rescue centre where they spent time and understood the condition of the animals, about their treatment and care.
Podar Volunteer Program 'DONATION DRIVE at Padhe Hum Padaye Hum - Grade 5 and 6' - 2024
The main aim of Podar Volunteer Program is to encourage students to give back to their communities. it instills in students the idea that they can make the world a better place. Volunteer opportunities for Children teach important social emotional skills such as compassion, social awareness , relationship skills, leadership and more. It provides them with a sense of purpose and helps them strengthen their social emotional core. The students of grade V-VI brought and donated stationery items such as notebooks,pencils ,crayons,etc for the children in need. FIKR Foundation-"Padhe Hum Padhaye Hum" is an organization who is Empowering India by facilitating Quality education specifically to marginalized and deprived Children of India.
Podar Volunteer Program 'Letter to Warriors - Grade 3 and 4' - 2024
The main aim of Podar Volunteer Program is to encourage students to give back to their communities. it instills in students the idea that they can make the world a better place. Volunteer opportunities for Children teach important social emotional skills such as compassion, social awareness , relationship skills, leadership and more. It provides them with a sense of purpose and helps them strengthen their social emotional core. The students of grade III-IV prepared beautiful Thank you Cards for the Police Officials for their relentless work in ensuring our Peace and Security. Their dedication is deeply valued.
Podar Volunteer Program 'Tree Plantation Drive - Grade 2' - 2024
The main aim of Podar Volunteer Program is to encourage students to give back to their communities. It instills in students the idea that they can make the world a better place. Volunteer opportunities for Children teach important social emotional skills such as compassion, social awareness , relationship skills, leadership and more. It provides them with a sense of purpose and helps them strengthen their social emotional core. The students of grade II brought Saplings and planted at K T nagar Park to create an awareness and spread the message of saving our planet- Protecting our environment is the need of the hour-To help nature and mother earth to get it's natural beauty and components back.
Podar Volunteer Program 'Toy Drive - Grade 1' - 2024
The main aim of Podar Volunteer Program is to encourage students to give back to their communities. it instills in students the idea that they can make the world a better place. Volunteer opportunities for Children teach important social emotional skills such as compassion, social awareness , relationship skills, leadership and more. It provides them with a sense of purpose and helps them strengthen their social emotional core. The students of grade I brought their favorite Toys and donated it to the underprivileged kids so that they also get a chance to enjoy something it would have never been to them.
Parivartan Drive - 2024
"A DRIVE FOR CHANGE AND ACTION" The Parivartan Drive is an initiative by the students of Podar Education Network to generate a community awareness campaign on ' Be The Change to Bring The Change'. The students worked to spread awareness about Self Love, Kindness, Acceptance and Seeking Support. The students attempted to educate people that prioritising' Self' are 'Not being Selfish'. Taking care of oneself is as important as helping others to take care of themselves. The students made Placards, Posters and Slogans and took opinion polls for this campaign. A Walkathon was carried at Kalmeshwar to spread awareness.
Annual Day Celebration 'Be the Change' 2023-2024

The event was woven around the theme ' Be The Change', a journey to unveil the power within. The function was presided by Chief Guest Dr Vedaprakash Mishra Pro- Chancellor, Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur, Mr Yogesh Mhatre General Manager Nagpur Hub, Mr S N Sahu Principal PIS Besa and Mr M B Choubey Principal PIS Bhandara. The program was filled with vibrancy and life being propelled into magnificent and reverberating celebrations.

Entailing the formal welcome, the progressive Annual Report was presented by the Principal Ms Lucky Sadrani. Addressing the gathering, the chief guest eulogized the dedication and hard work of the teachers and stated that the students have smartly carved a niche for themselves.

The program was an amalgamation of various hues benefiting the theme Wondrously.

A prize distribution ceremony was held for those students who excelled in Academics, Regularity and Extra curricular activities. It was indeed a spectacular display of talent and fervor.

3D Showcase 'Grade V-VIII' 2023-24
"Don't Limit your Challenges. Challenge your Limits". Mr Abhijeet Kshirsagar Assistant Professor from Hislop College (Department of Electronics) ,Mr Prashant Dandekar, Director Pioneer CAD and Design Solution Pvt Ltd and Mr Ajay Raut STEM Faculty were the judges for 3 D Competition today. The students participated in a 3D Design and Print Challenge using TinkerCAD software. They made models of Cable Holder, Bookends, Smartphone Stand and Desk Organiser. The models were judged on Design Creativity, Design functionality, use of appropriate dimensions and proportions, Printability and suitability for the given 3D printer.
Field Trip of Grade IV-V 'Visit to an Orphanage - Mahila and Balkalyan Vikas Nagpur' - 2024
Significant People - Integrated English
Republic Day Celebration - 2024

May the tricolor always fly high, symbolising the values of courage, truth and peace and wishing everyone a proud and Happy Republic Day! "

May the spirit of democracy strengthen our bonds and lead us to a brighter future. Dr Chaitanya Shembekar, Chairman and MD of Omega Hospitals Private Limited Nagpur was the chief guest of the function today.

In his motivational speech, he gave three pieces of advice to students i. e Study hard, Fitness mantra and Skill development. He quoted," We are what we repeatedly do. excellence, then, is not an act but a habit".

The program was followed by Patriotic song, Patriotic Speeches, skit on Women empowerment, Quiz for parents and Dances.

Expert Speak 'A Talk with a Community Hero' - 2024

Mr Tanveer Mirza, a Rurban Transformer, A Social Entrepreneur ESG Guide, Capacities builder, Efficient water Management Expert, Sustainability Strategist, Advocate for Green Energy...President of "Yashodhara "NGO and " Nagpur Hero Award' by TOI has enlightened students about his noble work which he has done in various fields.

This session helped students to recognize heroes within the community. The students understood that heroes are everyday people who face extraordinary challenges and overcome them. Most real heroes are not people of great renown. Rather they live near us and by performing small acts , they win our admiration Since children imitate what they see and hear, it is important to point out to them what actions merit honour and which individuals deserve admiration.

Emergency Bus Evacuation Drill - 2024
"The key to success in Life is Preparation"
Mock Fire Drill - 2024
"Plan for the worst, hope for the best. Preparedness is the key to survival during a fire".
Culminating Event 'Nature Trails : Jungle Beats - Grade I' - 2024
The event "Jungle Beats" is a great Opportunity to understand and be part of the learning that has taken place over the course of the thematic unit. The event started with The Jungle Parade where the students dressed up in different kinds of plants and animals.
Significant People 'Characters and Events that changed the World' - 2023
Special Assembly - "Talk Show - Greta Thunberg"
Christmas Celebration - 2023
May your days be merry, Your nights be bright, And Christmas be wrapped in delight! Merry Christmas to all!
Myths and Legends 'Believe It or Not!' - 2023
Mythbusters : Uncovering Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends Engraved in Time

The School wide theme MYTH BUSTERS culminated in Myths and Legends - Believe it or Not! The module aimed at educating students on the concept of Myths and Legends, understanding the relevance of myths and legends in exploring the history, traditions, beliefs and customs of various communities and countries across the world. The characters in the mythical and legendary stories are unique and convey a message.

KNIT A SKIT - Grade V & VI

Mega Children's Drama Festival 'Baldarbar (Title - Durga)' - 2023
The issue of "Eve Teasing" was highlighted and the same was tackled by Self Defence Tactics, empowering girls to stand up against the bullying.
Dental Check Up Camp - 2023
Thanks to Dr Jagdish Nainani ,a renowned Dentist of Nagpur and his team Dr Andleeb Khan and Dr Abhinav Nainani for creating awareness among students for the Oral Hygiene.
Field Trip 'Visit to a Historical Place' - 2023

p<>Integrated English - Mythbusters. Visit to a "Sanskritik Kendra -Ramayana Cultural Center "at Koradi as a part of curriculum - A cultural Centre that aims to enrich future generations of India. It has a "Ramayana Darshan Hall", a unique exhibition complex where the entire story of Lord Rama is narrated through captivating murals and oil paintings. The paintings portray significant episodes from the Ramayana, from the birth of Sri Rama to his glorious coronation. It also has "Bharat Mata Sadanam", a tribute to our valiant freedom fighters and defense personnel, designed to instill a deep sense of patriotism. There are 115 paintings depicting the heroic struggles of freedom fighters from 1857 to 1947. It also showcases 21 Paramvir Chakra Awardees and 14 paintings that vividly depict various pivotal events from India's freedom struggle, each accompanied by explanatory write ups.

Expert Talk 'Mythbusters - Meet a Historian' - 2023
Mr Atul Vasant Guru popularly known as "Kille Guru", member of "Gad Sanvardhan Samiti", Maharashtra State. Created replica of 25 Forts of Maharashtra at Nagpur Killa Mahotsav, 32 small Forts replica at Reshimbagh Nagpur, Conducted many workshops on Killa. He actively participated in Gad Kille Swachchata Mohim of Maharashtra State and Central Govt.
House Competition 'The Wall of Myths' - 2023
Mythbusters - Uncovering Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends Engraved in Time. The students found about the specific myths and collected information, pictures, symbols and articles from Countries like China, Greece, India and Africa and made a Collage of Wall of Myths.
Culminating Event 'Thematic Unit - What we wear'
Fashion Fiesta - Grade II
Annual Sports Day Celebration 2023-2024

"A Champion is someone who gets up when he can't .Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. Run when you can, walk if you have to crawl if you must ,just never give up".


Dr Purushottam Choudhary, President of Nagpur Judo Association, Director of Nagpur Roti Bank and Vice President of Maharashtra Judo Association consented to be the Chief Guest of the function and Mr Yogesh Mhatre General Manager Nagpur Hub was the Guest of Honour. The Meet began with Torch Run followed by March Past. An Opening Dance, Martial Art demo, Mass PT, Yoga, Stick Drill, Dumb bells Drill, Hula Hoop Drill, Lazium, Pom Pom Drill and Fun Races were the attraction of the event. The school also conducted few Races for Parents. Medal Distribution of Fun Races and various Inter house matches like Cricket, Basketball, Football, Kabbadi, Kho kho, Lagori, Tug of War, Athletics, Relay and Shot put were held.

Transport Committee Meeting - 2023
TCM was scheduled today in presence of Representative from RTO Dept, Police Dept, EEO Office, Bus Contractor, PTA Members, Regional Transport Manager and the Principal.
Bus Evacuation Drill - 2023
Prepare and Prevent instead of repair and repent. "BUS EVACUATION DRILL" It was held to make the students understand what kind of situation they might face, about Multiple Emergency Exit points and Safe exit from the bus.
Mock Fire Drill - 2023
Fire destruction is one man's job. Fire prevention is everybody's job. Mock Fire Drill was conducted today for the entire school. The students were given information about the basic fire equipments, fire hydrant, fire alarm and evacuation process.
Investiture Ceremony 2023-2024

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail".

Prof. Madhavi Mardikar, Dean Institute of Science Nagpur and HOD in PGTD Physical Education RTMNU University consented to be the Chief Guest of the Investiture Ceremony today.

The Head Boy of the School Mas. Raunak Sharma, Head Girl Ms Aiemen Khan,Vice Head Boy Mas. Krishnand Kumar ,Vice Head Girl Ms Janhvi Langde and Newly Student Council Members took oath and were given Sash and badges by the Chief Guest Mrs Madhvi Mardikar ma'am and the Principal Ms Lucky Sadrani ma'am.

The ceremony began with the Lighting of Lamp followed by pinning the badges and taking Oath.

The program was conducted by Ms Raavi Chopde of Grade IX and Vote of thanks was proposed by Abdhija Santra of Grade IX.

Special Assembly 'National Technology Day' - 2023
Theme - Tech It Up. A World of Gadgets and Gizmos. A special assembly was conducted to honour the accomplishments of Indian Scientists, Physicist, Researchers ,Technologists and many others in the areas of Science and Technology. This day is to educate Indian's of the Country's technical achievements.
Guru Purnima Celebration - 2023
Guru Purnima, a festival celebrated in India is a day to honour and pay respect to teachers and mentors. It falls on the full moon day. On this day people express their gratitude and offer prayers to their mentors. A skit was presented by students to mark the occasion of Guru Purnima.
International Yoga Day Celebration - 2023
Yoga is a symbol of Universal aspiration for Health and Well being. It is a health assurance on Zero Budget." The Principal , Teaching staff and the Admin staff took active participation in Yoga session conducted by PTI Ms Vinisha Nitnavare to mark the occasion of International Yoga Day. Yoga improves strength, balance and inflexibility. It improves our posture and keeps our joints healthy. It also reduces stress.
Field Trip 'Visit to an Electronic Store - Lotus Electronics' - 2023
Tech-It-Up-A World of Gadgets and Gizmos. "Lotus Electronics" This field trip was organised to make the children understand that there is so much technology in the world today that we don't even realize how much a part of our lives it is. In current times, people depend heavily on technology. Technology is all around us, from our smartphones, ipdas, smart watch and televisions. Students were taken on a tour to the world of gadgets and gizmos and into the future of technology.
Expert talk with Medical Lab Technologist - 2023
"Tech-It-Up! A World of Gadgets and Gizmos." To extend the exposure, the school organized face to face interactive session with a Medical Lab Technologist Mr Satish Chedge from Saoner. . How new technology has helped in conducting medical test, about new emerging technologies, current technologies in pathology, process of blood test etc were the questions asked by the students of grade V and VI.
First Emergency Bus Evacuation Drill - 2023
"Prepare and Prevent" "Don't Repair and Repent" First Emergency Bus Evacuation Drill-2023 The purpose of conducting Emergency Bus Evacuation Drills is to ensure that everyone knows how to exit safely as quickly as possible if a fire, water logging or other emergency occurs and to familiarize with the use of emergency door.
First Emergency Mock Fire Drill - 2023
"Prepare and Prevent" "Don't Repair and Repent" First Emergency Mock Fire Drill-2023 The purpose of conducting Mock Fire Drills is to ensure that everyone knows how to exit safely as quickly as possible if a fire, smoke, carbon monoxide or other emergency occurs and to familiarize building occupants with the sound of the fire alarm.
Fire Drill - 2023
"Be Safe. Be Smart. Be Seen". The students took part in Fire Evacuation Drill where they got an opportunity to understand about the usage of Fire Equipment's like Fire Extinguisher, Fire Hook, Fire hose pipe etc.
Thematic Unit 'Fun with Plants and Animals' - 2023
Culminating event "Jungle Beats". The students of Grade 1 had The Jungle Parade to display different kinds of Plants and Animals.
Parivartan Drive 'Eco warriors - A Sustainable you and I'
The Parivartan Drive is an initiative taken by the Students of Podar Education Network. It aims to create awareness of the impact of clothing on the environment.The fashion industry is one of the industries that contribute immensely to environmental waste.The theme for the year revolves around clothing and it's impact in the environment. The drive urged students to rethink before purchasing clothes because buying too many clothes can cause a detrimental cost to the environment. The students participated in various activities like Walkathon, Take a Pledge, Social Media Campaign and acted as agents of change.
Pleat by Pleat - Traversing the World of Sustainable Fabrics 2023
Field Trip - "Visit to Sri Bhagirath Textiles Ltd Mohali". Under the ongoing theme Pleat by Pleat, to get hands on experience in spinning, weaving and Knitting, the students visited Bhagirath Textiles where they could see the functioning .The module aims to introduce the fabric present around us in different ways.
Pleat By Pleat - Traversing the World of Sustainable fabrics - 2023
Experiences - Meet a Fashion Designer. The students got an opportunity to interact with Ms Nidhi Gandhi who is a Handloom revivalist, Fashion Designer, Founder and CEO of Studio N, CEO of Gandhi Handlooms, Director at A K Gandhi TVS and also works on various verticals. Her company specializes in customised and mass manufacturing of Handloom textiles and apparels. She was awarded by former Maharashtra CM Shri Devendra Fadanvis for her contribution in handloom Industry. She has designed outfits for beauty Pageants like Femina Miss India, Mrs India, Mrs India Universe, Indian International Jewellery etc. Other than being a professional entrepreneur, she is member of various social organization and NGOs.
Annual Function 2022-2023

"Unity Is Strength"

When there is a teamwork and collaboration, Wonderful things can be achieved.

Annual Day 2022-23 "NAVRAS"

#Adhbhuta Rasa, #Shringar Rasa, #Hasya Rasa, #Karun Rasa, #Vibhatsya Rasa, #Raudra Rasa, #Bhayanak Rasa #Veer Rasa, #Shant Rasa

Podar International School Katol Road Nagpur celebrated its 6th Annual Day Function on 28th Jan 2023. The theme of the Annual Function this year was Navras.

Dr Shiney Chib, Director (YCCA) was the Chief Guest for the Function and Mr S N Sahu Principal PIS Besa, Mr B Choubey Principal PIS Bhandara, Mr Mahendra Jagdale Principal PIS Gondia, Mrs Medha Nair Principal PIS Wardha, Mrs Manisha Sangar Principal PIS Amravati 2 were the Guests of honour who graced the occasion with their presence.

The Board Toppers of the academic 2019-20,2020-21and 2021-22 and Subject Toppers were felicitated with a Trophy.

The Annual Function was well planned and executed under the guidance of Principal Ms Lucky Sadrani.

Pleat By Pleat:"Traversing the World of Sustainable Fabrics" - 2023
Special Assembly:Heroes who are Reviving India's Heritage Textiles. Ms Suriya Hassan Bose who is single handedly responsible for the revival of many forgotten weaves.She is also popularly known as Suriya Aapa. Suriya Hassan Bose, originally from Etawah Uttar Pradesh, married to Subhash Chandra Bose's nephew Aurobindo Bose. Her weaving focuses on the revival of Persian brocades, specifically Masru, Himroo, Jamavar and Paithani. The students got to know in detail about the textiles.

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Frequently Asked Questions

As a pioneer in the education field in Katol Road, Nagpur, Podar Education Network offers the best CBSE board school in Katol Road, Nagpur that instructs its students in the English language. As one of the most advanced schools in Katol Road, Nagpur that tends not only to academic excellence but the overall holistic development of your child, Podar CBSE School in Katol Road, Nagpur is considered as one of the best English medium schools in Katol Road, Nagpur, Maharashtra.

Offering an end-to-end schooling system enhanced with a globalized curriculum, sports and extra-curricular development, and step-by-step guidance as students pave their paths to a bright and successful future, Podar CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur is considered one of the best schools in the region for students pursuing globally-acclaimed education in 11th and 12th classes.

You can view the detailed fees structure for Podar CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur on the website under Admissions >> Fee Structure.

As the best CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur, our Podar infrastructure has been designed to incorporate the principles of ergonomics at all levels. From spacious and comfortable classrooms, innovative labs equipped with the latest technologies, full-equipped medical center, state-of-the-art libraries, to expansive playgrounds and extra-curricular activity rooms, Podar CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur offers some of the best modern facilities at the disposal of students.

Here are some of the documents required for admission to the Podar CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur:-
  • Student’s Birth Certificate.
  • Student’s Aadhaar Card.
  • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
  • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
  • Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
  • Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
  • Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
  • Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
  • Passport size photograph of the student.
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable).

Head over to our Admissions page on our Podar Katol Road, Nagpur CBSE school website to have a detailed view of the online and offline admission process.

Visit our Podar International School website to check the transfer process and transfer certificates for our best CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur.

Podar International School offers safe and secured transportation to and fro for their students. Fitted with CCTV cameras and trained attendants, students at the Podar CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur are monitored and safely picked up and dropped off by our bus transport facility.

The age limit for students seeking admission to Nursery in Podar CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur is set at 2 years, completed latest by 31st December 2023. The age norms for eligibility in specific standards of Podar CBSE board school in Katol Road, Nagpur have been mentioned on the Admissions page.

Podar International Schools across India are renowned not only for their excellent academic teaching but also for the holistic development of their students. Offering a vast range of traditional & new age sports and a variety of extracurricular activities for children to hone their skills, here are the extracurricular activities that our CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur offers its students:-
  • Theatre
  • Indian and Western Dance
  • Classical and International Music
  • Public Speaking and Debating
  • Computer Animation

There are two simple ways you can seek admission for your child at Podar CBSE school in Katol Road, Nagpur - Online & Offline visit.
Online Admission Process:
  1. Complete the online application form.
  2. The following documents are to be uploaded while filling the online application form:
    • Student’s Birth Certificate.
    • Student’s Aadhaar Card.
    • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
    • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
    • Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
    • Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
    • Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Passport size photograph of the student.
    • Caste Certificate (if applicable).
  3. After submitting the online application form, if there are seats available in the standard that you have applied in, an email with a payment link for the first term fees will be sent to you. Parents are requested to make the necessary payment online.
Offline Admission Process:
  1. Complete the application form either online or collect the form from the school.
  2. Please submit the completed application form along with following documents at the School Office:
    • Photocopy of Student’s Birth Certificate.
    • Photocopy of Student’s Aadhaar Card.
    • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
    • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
    • Photocopy of Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
    • Photocopy of Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
    • Photocopy of Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Photocopy of Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
    • 3 Passport size photographs of the student.
    • Caste Certificate (if applicable).
  3. Please submit a Cheque with the first term fees to the School Office. All payments at the School are to be made by Cheque. Please mention the name of your ward, and contact number on the rear side of the Cheque. Fees once paid will be strictly non-refundable.

To learn more details about the admission process and confirmation, please visit the Admissions page on the Podar Katol Road, Nagpur CBSE School website.