Education Breeds Confidence, Confidence Breeds Hope, Hope Breeds Peace And Peace Breeds Love.

Podar International School, Navsari marks its significant existence in the year 2016 under the proud banner of Podar Education Network that has already set its benchmark in the field of education. Our motto “More than Grades” speaks a lot about the Institution. It strongly emphasizes on stress-free, child-centered and holistic education to all. It focuses to foster innovative methods and methodologies and various techniques after a strong research work before imparting knowledge to the students. It believes that trained and happier faculties creates more conducive learning environment for the students and this equates the students being more and more engaged in their day to day assignments. Teaching practices in the school are well planned with experiential learning ,blended learning using innovative tools and technique that is to derive prominent learning outcomes from the students Furthermore the co-curricular activities make the child more focused, confident and goal-oriented while playing indoor and outdoor games. Safe environment makes the children more secure and independent in ruling out the obstacles in their path towards achieving their goal. Each child is born with a hidden talent where the school identifies and provides a wider platform to showcase it. Their skills are chiseled, trimmed and carved into the magnum opus. Students here boost up their participation in the competitive exams. We carter strong moral foundation to every child which makes them sturdy enough to face the upcoming challenges of life. Here we train our students to be more respectful towards their parents, teachers and elders and be more protective and caring towards their environment, society and their country. I am a proud educator for catering today’s children who will become responsible and accountable “youth leaders” tomorrow.

“The Way We Treat Our Children Directly Impact What They believe About Themselves”

With Best Regards,

Mrs. Monica Kukreja
Principal, Podar International School - Navsari

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