Dear Parents,

I wish to express my gratitude for choosing Podar International School, Mira Road for your child’s education. The journey of imparting quality education to students was initiated by the Podar family in the year 1927. Today there are 136+ schools in different states catering to quality educational needs of students in lakhs. Choosing the right school is the first important step towards the child’s successful educational journey. Educating children is a privilege which comes with a huge responsibility which needs to be shouldered meticulously and immensely both by the school and the parents. At PIS our eminent and well qualified staff have shouldered this responsibility with extreme dedication and commitment.

At PIS we aim to for holistic development of our students. We look forward to make them future ready so that they become productive and happy citizens of the society. At the same time we take utmost care to assure that each of our students are loved, valued and are happy. Happiness quotient of students is an area which is given great importance.

We provide an excellent infrastructure and well qualified teachers who navigate the students in the right direction in their schooling journey. We provide various platforms in Curricular, Co-curricular and extracurricular activities so that they get multiple areas to showcase their talents. They are well nurtured by our school which can be seen in the multiple learning outcomes amongst our students.

We live in accelerated fast changing times where providing the students with the latest teaching methodology, curriculum etc. is the need of the hour and we at Podar’s accept the changes and move with the changing time. We are a progressive school and our staff and students have the same mind set.

Examination does matter but that’s one aspect of Podar education. Students are well guided, so that they do well not only in classrooms but beyond that as well. The expectation set is high. With the support of the teaching staff our students are able to perform as per the expectations.

We look forward to make our students responsible global citizens and hence we ensure that we are responsible to develop their confidence, impart moral values, integrity, tolerance etc. We also aim to promote acceptance, open mindedness and be a team spirit in them. These qualities will go a long way in shaping the students character and thus help them in their personal and professional growth.

We at PIS, Mira Road look forward for an excellent parental cooperation to bring out the best in our students. A student’s journey during his schooling years needs a strong support from school, teachers and the parents. Excellent cooperation of students, parents and teachers goes a long way to bring out the best in the child and develop them as responsible and productive citizens. As we grow along with our students in the teaching and learning journey I am sure the bond and the trust will grow with each passing day. We are certain our parents and students will take pride as the child will grow and move out as a Podarite in the coming years.

We at PIS have a strong tradition which shapes all our schools. We keep building on the past to have a better future. The school will remain a progressive school which will keep embracing the challenges and converting them into opportunities thus bringing in lot of creativity and innovation.

Best wishes,

Mrs Poonam Thakur
Principal, Podar International School - Mira Road

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