Special Assembly 'Birth Anniversary of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak' - 2024

Our school joyfully celebrated the birth anniversary of Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, known as "The Father of the Indian Unrest." In a special assembly, Grade VI students honored this great leader through various performances, including skits, songs, and speeches.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak, revered as "Lokmanya" or "accepted by the people as their leader," was hailed by Mahatma Gandhi as "The Maker of Modern India." Tilak was one of the pioneering and strongest advocates of Swaraj ('self-rule') and played a pivotal role in the Indian independence movement.

Additionally, our dedicated teachers further enriched the celebration by enlightening students on the significance of this important day with engaging and informative speeches.

Special Assembly 'Guru Purnima Celebration' - 2024

School celebrated Guru Purnima with zeal and enthusiasm by conducting a special assembly, organized by the students of Grade X. The assembly highlighted the significance of a Guru and the qualities that make a great teacher. Guru Purnima is a day to honor the importance of Gurus (teachers) in our lives, observed on the Purnima Tithi (full moon day) according to the Hindu calendar.

Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen extended her warm wishes to parents, teachers, and students on the occasion of Guru Purnima. She spoke about the critical role of a Guru in a student's life and emphasized the enduring values imparted by our teachers. The Hon'ble Principal encouraged students to cherish and nurture these values throughout their lives. Teachers also shared their insights on the same topic. During the assembly, students expressed their love and respect for their teachers by offering flowers.

Additionally, Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen presented a token of appreciation to one of our star students, Master Araj Umesh Bang from Grade I. At the age of 6 years( 1 month, and 27 days), He set a world record for the Worldwide Book of Records by solving 40 multiplication problems (2 digits by 1 digit) in just 2 minutes and 26 seconds in the age category of 5 to 7 years.

Special Assembly 'Ashadhi Ekadashi Celebration' - 2024

School celebrated Ashadhi Ekadashi with great enthusiasm! Grade I students presented a special assembly that beautifully showcased the rich culture of Maharashtra and highlighted the significance of this auspicious day. Ashadhi Ekadashi holds immense religious importance in Maharashtra, marked by a grand celebration in Pandharpur where devotees gather in large numbers. This traditional festival is observed annually during the Aashaadh Shukla Paksha.

Additionally, our teachers further enlightened the students on the topic, emphasizing the significance of Ashadhi Ekadashi through engaging speeches and inspirational stories. This nurtured the students' understanding and appreciation of the festival.

Field Trip - 2024

Field trips offer students experiences beyond the everyday confines of the school premises. To give our students a break from the routine of classroom teaching, our School arranged a #Fieldtrip for Grade I to VI students to D-mart, Plant Nursery, and the Navneet Factory.

Field trips provide opportunities for students to collaborate with peers, explore new environments, make connections, solve problems, and develop trust and empathy. Our students participated enthusiastically, making the trip an enlightening and enjoyable experience for all.

Student Council Election Results 2024-2025
We're thrilled to announce the results of the Student Council election for Academic Year 2024-25 at Podar International School #Nanded! The newly elected council members received warm congratulations from our esteemed principal, Dr. Malini Sen, who expressed her best wishes for their upcoming responsibilities. Cheers to the new team and their promising journey ahead!
'Mirror Musings' activity for students - 2024

School organized a special 'Mirror Musings' activity for students from grades 1 to 8!

Under the engaging theme of Mirror Musings, our young learners had an enriching experience exploring the concept of a growth mindset. The activities were crafted to help them distinguish between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, fostering a positive approach to learning and personal development.

The highlight of the event, 'Mirror Musings: Reflecting on My Brightest Self,' aimed to introduce students to the powerful idea of a growth mindset. This mindset emphasizes that talents and abilities can be developed through dedication and perseverance, rather than being fixed traits. It encourages our students to embrace challenges, learn from feedback, and celebrate their progress.

At School, we are committed to nurturing not just academic excellence but also empowering our students with the mindset and skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Open House 'Periodic Test 1' 2024-2025

A heartfelt thank you from School to all the students, parents, and guardians who contributed to the success of our Open House - Periodic Test 1! Your presence and enthusiasm were truly inspiring.

During the Open House, we had the opportunity to showcase our top-notch facilities, comprehensive curriculum, and the abundant opportunities our school offers. It was a pleasure to engage with so many eager faces and address your questions. Our pursuit of educational excellence continues, and we are thrilled to have each of you on this journey with us. Thank you for being an integral part of our school's success story!

A special note of gratitude goes to our esteemed Honorable Principal, Dr. Malini Sen. Your exceptional leadership and steadfast support played a pivotal role in making this event a resounding success. We deeply appreciate your dedication to our school community.

Student Council Election 2024-25

School has successfully conducted the Student Council Election 2024-25 digitally. The event was inaugurated by our Hon'ble Principal, Dr. Malini Sen, who, along with the staff, cast their votes to kick off the proceedings.

The students enthusiastically participated, casting their votes for their representatives. The primary objective of appointing the Student Council is to provide a platform for students to develop leadership qualities by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects.

In addition to planning events that enhance school spirit and community welfare, the Student Council serves as the voice of the student body. They facilitate the sharing of ideas, interests, and concerns within the school community, ensuring that every student has a platform to be heard.

General Assembly '21st Century Skills' - 2024

School conducted a General Assembly on the theme of 21st Century Skills. The assembly focused on the essential skills our students need to thrive in today's world:
Learning Skills: Communication, Creativity, Collaboration, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving
Life Skills: Productivity, Social Skills, Flexibility, Leadership, Initiative
Literacy Skills: Technology Literacy, Information Literacy, Media Literacy

The assembly began with a motivational prayer, followed by the Thought of the Day and the Pledge. Grade VII students shared insights on these crucial skills to raise awareness among their peers, highlighting their importance through engaging speeches. Additionally, our teachers provided further enlightenment on the topic, emphasizing the significance of mastering these 21st century skills.

First phase of the House Council Election Interviews 2024-25

Our School successfully conducted the first phase of the House Council Election Interviews!

This important event marks the beginning of an exciting journey for our student leaders. Candidates showcased their leadership skills, vision, and passion for making a positive impact on our school community.

We are proud of all the students who participated and demonstrated their commitment to representing their peers. Stay tuned for updates as we move forward in the election process and prepare to announce our new House Council members.

Best of luck to all our candidates!

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting for the A.Y. 2024-25

Our School proudly hosted the first Parent Teacher Association (PTA) meeting for the 2024-25 academic year. These PTA meetings are carefully organized to foster a strong collaboration between parents, teachers, and our entire school community.

We were honored to have our Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen and our General Manager Mr. Prasad Ponkshe, deliver their valuable words during the meet. Their insights and encouragement greatly motivated everyone in attendance.

The PTA meeting is a tripartite process aimed at building robust relationships among all stakeholders. During the general meeting, parents and teachers come together to discuss and devise plans and programs that contribute to the school’s progress and continuous development.

Our goal is to promote the welfare of our children not only within the school but also at home and in the community. These meetings help create a better understanding between parents and teachers, ensuring a united effort towards the growth and success of our students.

International Plastic Day - 2024
Celebrating International Plastic Day with inspiring slogans from our students! Let's join them in their call to reduce, reuse, and recycle for a sustainable future.
Thematic Learning 'Marvellous Me' - 2024

We are excited to announce the conclusion of the Thematic Unit: ‘Marvellous Me’ with our culminating event, organized by the students of Grade 1 and the dedicated staff of School. This special event, held within our classrooms and school premises, showcases the wonderful learning journey our students have undertaken throughout the thematic unit.

The event was officially inaugurated by our Honorable Principal, Dr. Malini Sen, alongside the leadership group. At Podar International School, we believe in integrating curriculum areas to provide a holistic learning experience.

Teaching through themes helps children understand and retain information by presenting it as part of a larger whole rather than isolated facts.

Parents also enjoyed the event, celebrating the achievements and growth of our young learners.

Certificate & Medal Distribution for SOF Competitive Exam Results - 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the students of School, have achieved remarkable success in the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) exams. Our students participated in large numbers and excelled in various SOF exams.

Mast. Kashif Mulani secured the 2nd Zonal rank and received a Silver medal in the SOF - IMO Exam.
Miss. Diyaja More achieved the 13th rank in the same exam.

In the SOF - NCO Exam:
Mast. Sarvesh S. Patil secured the 6th Zonal rank.
Miss. Farooqui Maysha Fateema secured the 11th Zonal rank.

In the SOF - NSO Exam:
Miss.Tanvi S. Rane achieved the 13th Zonal rank.

Our Hon'ble Principal, Dr. Malini Sen, along with the Leadership Team, congratulated all the students on their outstanding achievements and wished them the best of luck in their future endeavors.

Another feather has been added to the crown of our school with an appreciation letter from the Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) exams department. This recognition celebrates our organization of competitive exams and the outstanding performance of our students in the SOF Olympiad exams during 2023-24.

Ms. Smita Chatorikar was also felicitated by our Hon'ble Principal, Madam, with an appreciation letter for her invaluable contributions. Here are a few glimpses of the event.

Special Assembly 'Olympic Day' - 2024

Today, we celebrated Olympic Day with a special assembly in our School ! Our students gathered to honor the spirit of the Olympics, emphasizing the importance of sports, teamwork, and international friendship.

The Olympic Day has been observed every year on June 23 since 1948. It encourages people of all ages and backgrounds to participate in sporting activities, promoting physical fitness and mental well-being. The day also serves as a reminder of the positive impact of sports in promoting peace and harmony worldwide.

Our talented students from Grade 5th showcased their athletic skills with a series of dynamic performances, including gymnastics, track events, and traditional games.

A highlight of the event was the inspiring speech by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, who shared the history and values of the Olympics, encouraging everyone to embrace the Olympic motto: – Faster, Higher, Stronger.

The assembly concluded with a pledge to uphold the values of sportsmanship, respect, and excellence in all our endeavors. Each student left with a renewed sense of determination and inspiration to strive for greatness, both on and off the field.

Culminating event 'ComicVerse Extravaganza - ‘Unleashing Comic Superpowers’ - 2024

School Organised a Culminating event - 'ComicVerse Extravaganza - ‘Unleashing Comic Superpowers’ under The Theme INK AND IMAGINATION: Crafting Tales through Comics. The event was organized by students of grade I to VIII and staff collectively. This event aims at providing opportunities to the students to showcase their learning and acquired knowledge of different genres of comics, its unique storytelling features and nuances of creating comic strips experience which they have had during the course of the module. The students will use their newly gained knowledge and interest in comics in the event by showcasing comic characters, famous comics, and exchanging comic works through a comic book exchange kiosk. The students enjoyed the event and gave valuable feedback respectively. This Module leads students to explore a new medium of expression which can enhance their creativity and imagination. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Admin Officer Mr. Haridas Reddy & Leadership Team appreciated the students for their skill of presentation.

House Competition 'Comic Trivia Tournament - Quest for the Ultimate Comic Knowledge!' - 2024
School organised House Competition – Comic Trivia Tournament - Quest for the Ultimate Comic Knowledge! under the theme of INK AND IMAGINATION - Crafting Tales through Comics. All the houses participated in the competition. This event aims to give students the opportunity to place themselves in the core strategy of the business making process that is to promote a product. Students will use their knowledge through research, ideas and creativity to promote a product in the competition. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Admin Officer Mr. Haridas Reddy & Leadership Team appreciated their efforts & gave best wishes to all the participants.
International Yoga Day Celebration - 2024

Our school hosted a special assembly to celebrate International Yoga Day!

The assembly was a wonderful opportunity for students and staff to come together and embrace the spirit of yoga. The day began with an invigorating yoga session led by our skilled yoga Teacher. Students from all grades participated enthusiastically, learning various asanas and breathing techniques that promote physical and mental well-being.

Students showcased their yoga skills with impressive performances of advanced poses, demonstrating their flexibility, strength, and dedication. Their hard work and practice were evident and truly inspiring! Our school Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen addressed the assembly, highlighting the significance of yoga in our daily lives.

They emphasized how yoga helps in maintaining a healthy balance between the mind and body, especially crucial during these challenging times.

The assembly concluded with a moment of gratitude and reflection. Students and staff expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to learn and practice yoga, and committed to integrating it into their lives for better health and happiness. We are proud of our students for their enthusiastic participation and thankful to our staff for organizing such a meaningful event. Let’s continue to embrace yoga and its benefits every day!

World Music Day Celebration - 2024
"Music is the essence of all life. It is the way that we communicate with ourselves, with each other, and with the divine." School Celebrating Music Day with a mesmerizing performance by our talented students by melodies performances, Informative Speech, etc. World Music Day is celebrated every year on 21 June to acknowledge the beauty of music and pay tribute to the artists who keep this art alive for us. Historically, World Music Day's origins can be traced to 1982, when French Culture Minister Jack Lang suggested celebrating 'Fête de la Musique' or a special day of music in French. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen encouraged the students to learn & enjoy the music. Music Teachers also talked on the same topic.
Expert talk ‘Ink and Imagination - Crafting Tales through Comics' - 2024
School invited the Famous Cartoonist Mr. Vinod Balasaheb Gonge for the Expert talk under the module - ‘INK AND IMAGINATION’ – Crafting Tales through Comics. Fruitful interactions were done with students and they knew that Cartoons offer a host of cognitive benefits that enhance their visual literacy skills, stimulating creativity and imagination, and promoting social and emotional learning. Through colorful visuals and engaging narratives, cartoons help students develop critical thinking skills and expand their world understanding.
Special Assembly ' National Reading Day' - 2024

School Conducted a Special Assembly on National Reading Day. National Reading Day is an occasion celebrated to honor the initiation of the library movement by P.N. Panicker or Puthuvayil Narayana Panicker. He pioneered the establishment of the first Library in Kerala, and this marked the advent of the literacy movement in India. National Reading Day is observed on 19 June to remind people about the value of reading books even in an era dominated by the internet. 8th Standard Students performed assembly on this special day. They showed the importance of reading through skits, speech and also took a Reading Pledge, through which they depicted the importance of the day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen encouraged students to build reading habits and collect wealth of knowledge by reading books she guided them for the same by her valuable words. Teacher also talked on the topic.

Special Assembly 'Happy Father's Day' - 2024

School conducted an assembly on ' Happy Father's Day '.

A father’s selfless love is pivotal in nurturing and there could not be a more universal celebration than the one that celebrates the accomplishments and efforts of a father. Fathers are an integral part of our family. They not only fulfill our needs but also pamper us in the best ways possible. Father’s Day is celebrated on 16th of June (Sunday). This is a day to celebrate and honour them wishing all a very Happy Fathers Day. The students of Std. II conducted the assembly effectively to make their Dad feel special through performing various acts & dances where they expressed the pious bond shared between them.

Special Assembly 'Blood Donor Day' - 2024

We are thrilled to announce a special assembly to commemorate Blood Donor Day.

Theme: 20 years of celebrating giving: thank you, blood donors

This assembly aims to educate and inspire our school community about the importance of blood donation. It's a small act of kindness that can make a massive difference in someone's life. By donating blood, we can help save lives, support medical emergencies, and contribute to the health and well-being of our community. Students of Grade VII performed Act & talked about the importance of the Blood Donation to create awareness. Teachers also talked on the same topic.

Girls Welfare Committee Session on Health, Hygiene & Discipline - 2024

The subject of the Health and Hygiene Session at School was "Tips every girl should know." The Girls Welfare Committee of the school directed the session for classes VI To VIII. The session was initiated by the Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen, who counseled the pupils on the following topics. The main objectives of the workshop were to:

  • Demonstrate the significance of cleanliness and health
  • Plan the health awareness campaign
  • Resolve the issues and concerns of the female students; and
  • Importance of eating nutritious food
General Assembly 'Empathy' - 2024
Today School conducted an assembly on the topic ‘ Empathy’. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It means putting yourself in someone else's shoes and seeing the world from their perspective. This simple act can make a huge difference in our lives and the lives of those around us. In short, "Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another" Grade IV students performed various skits in Assembly to highlight the topic.
General Assembly 'Good Touch Bad Touch' - 2024
School conducted an Assembly on the important topic "Good Touch Bad Touch". Grade I students performed beautifully in the assembly and highlighted the topic to create awareness among the students. Education about good touch and bad touch helps children develop healthy relationships and understanding consent. It teaches them to recognize and respect the boundaries of others and encourages empathy and communication. This helps in fostering positive relationships throughout their lives. Teachers also talked on the same topic. Here are some snick pics.
General Assembly 'International Eye Donation Day' - 2024
School conducted a General Assembly on International Eye Donation Day. Every year, thousands of people all over the globe suffer from curable blindness for one reason: a scarcity of donated corneas. This June 10, we celebrate International Eye Donation Day. Assembly started with the motivational Prayer, Thought of the day, Pledge & Grade VII students talked about the subject to bring awareness among students. By donating your eyes, you can enlighten the life of two blind persons. This gesture of yours would allow them to come out of darkness and step into a life full of colors & highlighted the Importance of the International Eye Donation Day through speech. Teacher also enlightened about the same.
World Environment Day Celebration - 2024

School conducted a special assembly on the World Environment Day. This World Environment Day, we celebrate the beauty, joy and natural treasures of our precious planet – but we also recommit to protecting them and preserving them for generations to come. With innovative thinking, cooperation, and a determination to push for change, we can tackle the triple planetary crisis. The theme for World Environment Day 2024 is “Land Restoration, Desertification and Drought Resilience.” Students of standard 7th beautifully performed Skit, thought of the day, Morning Prayer, etc to depict the importance of the day. Through Assembly Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen addressed the students, encouraged & guided them for the same.

School Reopened A.Y. 2024-25
"A new day signifies a new beginning. Children want to laugh, to be challenged, to be entertained and delighted”. School glad to announce that School has Reopened after a Long Summer Vacation for the academic session 2024-25 For Std. 1st to 8th with a blast. Students were welcomed by the Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & school staff with lots of joy. On the first day students were involved in various activities for the whole day.
Training Program for the educators - 2024

School conducted a Training Program for the educators. Session Started with the address of Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. on various topics trainings were conducted such as 'Enhance Strengthening Assessment & Evaluation Practice 2024-25' by Senior Coordinator Mr Jagannath Dhere, 'Lesson Observation form & Learning Outcomes' By Middle Coordinator Mr. Mohsin Khan Pathan, 'POSH & Zero Tolerance Employee Sensitization' by Mr. Raheem B, 'Classroom Management' by Primary Coordinator Ms. Minakshi Iyer, 'Good Parenting' by Ms. Vaishali B, 'Loop Learning' by Mr. Rajeshwar Werulkar, 'Life Skills & Discipline' by Ms. Sarika Joshi, 'Essential Tools for Teachers for School Documentation' by Ms. Nisha Kawale & Ms. Anjum Golandaz, 'Effective Communication' by Mr. Santosh Dhanshette, 'Literacy & Numeracy' by Mr. Anil Loharekar & Mr. Nayeem farooqui effectively. Teachers participated enthusiastically and that will bring fruitful results. These kinds of Sessions are helpful to learn new ways, methods, strategies, skills and tools. When teachers get upskilled they automatically feel confident, happy and motivated to achieve greater things with their students. Here are some glimpses.

Maharashtra Day, Principal Day and Labour Day - 2024
School celebrated Maharashtra Day with zeal and enthusiasm. Maharashtra Day commemorates the formation of the state in 1960. On 1 May 1960, the Bombay Reorganisation Act came into effect, creating Maharashtra, following many protests and demonstrations in support of the new state. we Also Celebrated Principal Day and Labour Day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen wished Maharashtra Day and Labour Day to the whole staff expressing her views regarding the importance of teamwork and Senior Coordinator Mr. Jagannath Dhere wished Principal Ma'am 'Happy Principal Day' by offering the bouquet on behalf of the whole staff. Here are some glimpses.
Orientation Program 2024-25
School welcomed parents for the Orientation Program 2024-25 for Standard I to II & assured them about the school’s commitment, ensuring their child’s growth & development. The vision behind conducting the orientation Program was to make familiar with all the policies and procedures that would help the parents and children to have a positive experience with your child care program.
CBSE Science Challenge Exam 2024-25
School, hosted the CBSE Science Challenge Exam 2024 - 25 for students in grades VIII to X on Tuesday, April 23, 2024! With a total of 310 enthusiastic participants, the event was a testament to our commitment to nurturing curiosity, inquiry, and higher-order thinking among our students. At Podar, we believe that science and technology are essential lenses through which to understand the world, and initiatives like the CBSE Science Challenge are just one way we empower our students to explore, discover, and innovate! A big thank you to all the students who participated and showcased their scientific prowess, as well as to our dedicated faculties who continually inspire and support our young learners on their educational journey.
Special Assembly "World Earth Day" - 2024

School celebrated "World Earth Day" with zeal & enthusiasm. Through assembly, the students of Standard I beautifully performed the skit, Informative speeches and showed captivating captions and images on plug cards to spread awareness among people on the occasion under the theme of "Planet vs. Plastics".

World Earth Day is annually celebrated on April 22, serves as a reminder that everyone has a shared responsibility for the health of the planet and that corporations, governments, communities, and individuals must work together to achieve this goal. Earth Day can empower our students to stand up for causes they care about, whether it's protecting local green spaces or advocating for global environmental issues like endangered species conservation. Teachers also emphasised the importance of the day through speech. Here are some glimpses.

PRERNA 'The School of Experiential Learning' - 2024
School organised an essay writing competition, An initiative of the Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of Education, Government of India has launched 'PRERNA: The School of Experiential Learning' to be implemented by Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. Prerana is a transformative one week experiential learning program designed to empower the youth of the country. In the competition many students participated enthusiastically and as per rules school selected Two candidates Miss. Vaidehi Naik and Mast. Sarthak Reddy for next level competition. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Leadership Team congratulated and wished best wishes for future pursuit.
Special Assembly 'Pay tribute to Comic Creators' - 2024

School conducted a Special Assembly to pay tribute to Comic Creators. Comics is a medium used to express ideas with images, often combined with text or other visual information. It typically takes the form of a sequence of panels of images. Textual devices such as speech balloons, captions, and onomatopoeia can indicate dialogue, narration, sound effects, or other information. Beyond entertainment, comics offer a myriad of educational benefits, encouraging literacy, critical thinking, and visual comprehension. Standards VII Students spoke throughout the assembly and also performed the Special Skit, Thought of the Day, Morning Prayer, Etc. To pay Tribute to Legends of Laughter Anant Pai, Stan Lee, Charles Schulz and Pran Kumar Sharma. Teachers also enlightened and guided students to increase reading habits. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the students for their performances. Here are some snapshots.

Parent Orientation Program 2024-25
School welcomed parents for the Orientation Program 2024-25 for Standard III to X & assured them about the school’s commitment, ensuring their child’s growth & development. The vision behind conducting the orientation Program was to make familiar with all the policies and procedures that would help the parents and children to have a positive experience with your child care program.
Special Assembly 'Ram Navami Celebration' - 2024
School conducted an assembly to celebrate Ram Navami with zeal and enthusiasm. The day is significant as it marks the birth of Lord Rama, who is considered to be one of the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu. Lord Rama is believed to be an ideal human being and a symbol of truth, righteousness, and virtue. He is also known for his bravery, courage, and devotion to his duty. Standard 5th students present the assembly through speech, morning prayer song, thought of the day, etc to depict the importance of the day. Teachers also emphasize the importance of day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen wished all the students & parents happy Ram Navami and also guided the students and motivated them by her valuable words.
3D Designing and Printing - Prototyping The Future Competition & Robotics Exhibition 2023-24
School presented certificates to the students who were Winners and participants in "3D Designing and Printing - Prototyping The Future Competition & Robotics Exhibition 2023-24" by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. Distinguished Principal Madam, Leadership Team, Teachers Congratulated the Podarites & wished them the best for their Future endeavors. Here Are A Few Snapshots.
Seminar for Nutrition & Exercise - 2024
School organized the seminar for the Senior grades to be aware about the Importance of Nutritions & Exercise. A team of Zydus wellness powered by Glucon-D & Complan Presented NEEV ( Nutrition, Energy, Exercise, Vitality). led the program by Sensational Anchor of Nanded Ms. Shruti Akolkar. She took various activities, Playing Games with the students and Teachers to learn the importance of nutrition & exercise in daily routine. students also enjoyed the session.
Assembly 'Voting Awareness' - 2024

School conducted an Assembly under the theme of Voting Awareness to educate future voters. It involves education on the structure of government, rights and duties of a citizen, constitution, judiciary etc. The Electoral Education can be made a part and parcel of civic education. It should be carried out through the schools and university system and using civil society organizations. In the assembly students performed various activities like motivational Prayer, song, thought of the day, new words etc to depict the importance of the day. Teacher also emphasized on the importance of Voting. The distinguished School Principal Hon'ble Dr. Malini Sen also motivated the students and gave valuable information through her speech.

Special Assembly 'Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar & Baisakhi' - 2024

PIS Nanded conducted a special assembly on the occasion 133 Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar & Baisakhi, a religious Festival celebrated together with zeal & enthusiasm.

Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti is observed on 14th April to commemorate the memory of B. R. Ambedkar, Indian politician and social reformer. It marks Ambedkar's birthday who was born on 14 April 1891. His birthday is also referred to as 'Equality Day'. He reportedly abolished the distinction between groups belonging to upper and lower castes and proclaimed that all people are created equal. And also Baisakhi is a religious festival as well as a harvest celebration for the Sikh community. Guru Gobind Singh founded the Khalsa, or "pure" Sikh community, on March 30, 1699. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Admin Officer Mr. Venkat Haridas Reddy & Leadership Team respectfully garlanded the portrait of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Students of Grade IX presented Motivational prayer, thought of the day and gave informative speeches to depict the importance of the day. Teachers also talked on the same topic. The Hon'ble Principal wished all the students & parents the Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar as well as the baisakhi festival Through her virtual speech.

Morning Assembly 'Summer Season & precautions' - 2024
School organised a beautiful morning assembly on the theme ‘Summer Season’. Students of Grade II presented Motivational prayer, thought of the day and gave informative speeches regarding how to take precautions during the summer season. Teachers also delivered their guidance on how to take care during the summer season & also highlighted the remembrance of great social reformer, anti-caste activist, thinker and writer Mahatma Jyotiba Phule. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen emphasized the significance of Take caring during the summer season & Motivated the students through her valuable speech.
Special Assembly to Celebrate Eid-Ul- Fitr - 2024

School celebrated Eid-Ul-Fitr with great pomp and zeal. The special assembly was conducted by 3rd Standard students enthusiastically. Eid-ul-Fitr is celebrated worldwide on varying days, contingent upon the sighting of the crescent moon, indicating the commencement of the Shawwal month in the lunar Islamic calendar. This festival marks the conclusion of the fasting month of Ramadan.

The students performed motivational prayer, thoughts of the day and depicted not only the importance of 'Fasting' but also the significance of Zakat and Sadaqah in the assembly. teachers also talked on the same topic. The School Principal Dr. Malini Sen also wished Happy Eid to all the Students, Parents, stakeholders of Podar Family & staff through her virtual address.

Gudi Padwa Celebration - 2024
School Celebrated Gudi Padwa Day. students of 5th Standard conducted a special assembly on the occasion. According to Hindu mythology, Gudi Padwa marks the day when Lord Brahma created the universe. It's also believed that Gudi symbolizes Lord Rama's victory against Ravana as this festival is celebrated to commemorate the coronation of Rama post his return to Ayodhya after completing 14 years of exile. On the day of Gudi Padwa, people hoist Gudi flags outside their homes. In the Assembly Students performed various motivational Prayer, song, Thought of the day, New words, etc to depict the importance of the day. Teacher also emphasized on the importance of Gudi Padwa. Distinguished School Principal Hon'ble Dr. Malini Sen motivated the students & appreciated their efforts.
Result of SOF- NCO & Value Education Contest certificate Distribution 2023-24
We feel privileged to announce that students of School brought laurels in Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)- NCO. Students participated in the SOF - National Science Olympiad in maximum number from Grade I to IX, 5 Students Got Gold Medals of Distinction & 22 Students got gold medals of Excellence. And also Our students participated in Value Education Contest. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Leadership Team congratulated all the students and wished them best luck for future endeavors. Here are a few glimpses.
Assembly 'Summer Season & Felicitation' 2024-25

With much zest and enthusiasm, School began the 2024–25 academic year. Students in grade X led an assembly on the first day of the Session. During the assembly, students showcased inspirational prayer songs, daily thoughts, and more. Dr. Malini Sen, the Honorable Principal, and the Leadership Team adorning the statue of Goddess Saraswati. The Honorable Principal greeted each student and inspired them with wise remarks. The teacher also discussed the subject.

School organised a beautiful morning assembly on the theme ‘Summer Season’. Students of Grade IX presented Motivational prayer, thought and gave informative speech regarding dos & don’ts during summer season . Teachers also delivered their guidance on how to take care during the summer season . Assembly concluded with few announcements and winners were felicitated by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen.

Mast. Abhiraj Bhosale - 2 A,
Miss. Sparsh Agrawal - 2 B,
Mast. Prasanna Hongunte - 5 C,
Mast. Vishal Kadam - 6 C,
Mast. Shivraj Bhosale - 8 E,
Miss. Samruddhi Tribhuwan - 6 D,
Mast. Ruturaj Lokde - 7

These students are felicitated for 100% Attendance in the academic year 2023-24. Our Singing Group who participated in Inter School ( Latur Hub) Quire Singing Competition got First Prize.

The Names are -
Miss. Avanti Takalkar - 8 E
Miss. Sanchi Khandare - 8D
Miss. Kalyani Amilkanthwar - 7C
Miss. Ananya Bhaware - 7C
Miss. Anushka Ajane - 7C
Miss. Sanchi Kendre - 7E
Miss. Vidhi Chate - 7E
Miss. Saumya Jadhav - 6D
miss. Aradhya Suryavanshi - 6C
Miss. Sanchi Kamble - 6E.

Our Art Teachers are also appreciated for Implementing new Art curriculum in Academic Year 2024-25 By Distinguished Principal Madam.

Jumpstart Activity 'Ink and Imagination' - 2024

School conducted Jumpstart Activity Under the Theme of ‘Ink and Imagination’ for grade I to X. These activities are designed to surprise the students, evoke their imagination and engage them in the upcoming theme from the start. It also provides a common platform so that every student has some experience to draw from, as he/she progresses through the unit.

The focus of the theme - ‘Ink and Imagination’ is to enlighten the students about the importance of comics as a means of communication and self-expression. The students will learn about the different genres of comics like Humor, Sci-fi, Fantasy and Action and so on…

School reopening Day Assembly 2024-2025
With much zest and enthusiasm, School began the 2024–25 academic year. Students in grade X led an assembly on the first day of the Session. During the assembly, students showcased inspirational prayer songs, daily thoughts, and more. Dr. Malini Sen, the Honorable Principal, and the Leadership Team adorning the statue of Goddess Saraswati. The Honorable Principal greeted each student and inspired them with wise remarks. The teacher also discussed the subject.
School Reopening Day For A.Y. 2024-25
School started the academic session 2024-25 For Std. 1st to 10th with a blast. Students were welcomed by the Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & school staff with lots of joy. On the first day students were involved in various activities for the whole day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen addressed the students virtually as well as physically. The Hon'ble Principal encouraged the students & guided them for the same.
Field Trips 2023-2024
Field trips provide students with experiences outside their everyday activities in the confines of the school premises. To give the students a break from the monotony of classroom teaching, School arranged a #Fieldtrip for the students of Grade I to IV to the Nandagiri Fort, Old City, Nanded & V to IX to the Ratneshwari. Field trips allow students to collaborate with their peers, explore new environments, make connections, problem solve, develop trust, and empathy. The students Enthusiastically became a part of it which made the trip become an enlightening & pleasantly experience for them.
Open House and Robotics Exhibition - 2024
School scheduled Open House for Grade I to IX. The Open House is one of the important activities of any school. It is a great opportunity for both the teachers and parents to work for the betterment of the children. The Open House is held for evaluation of an academic and non- academic performance of the student. It helps to know and work for the children’s performance. during #OpenHouse Students Showcase their talent through Robotics Exhibition. Parents enthusiastically attended the exhibition and admired the students' talent.
Certificate Distribution of Science Exhibition 2023-24
Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen presented certificates to the students who were Winners and participants in 'Quiz Competition' & 'Science Exhibition' 2023-24. Distinguished Principal Madam, Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande, Leadership Team, Teachers Congratulated the Podarites & wished them the best for their Future endeavor.
Parent Teacher Association Meet 2023-24
School conducted Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meet 2023-24. PTA meetings are being meticulously conducted by our School. PTA Meet is a tripolar process the main aim of which is to build strong relationships between parents, teachers, and the whole school community. In a general meeting of Parents & Teachers, both parents and teachers discuss and try to make necessary plans and programs for the progress and ongoing development of the school. To promote the welfare of children, in the school, home, and in the community. To create better understanding between parents and teachers.
Mock Fire Drill - 2024
School organized the Mock Fire Drill for students, Teaching staff, Housekeeping staff and Transportation staff. The purpose of the program was how they should behave in case of fire and how they can find their way out from the scene of disaster is the fundamental purpose of the fire drill. It gives an opportunity to control the chaos and manage the situation until help arrives. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande guided for the same. Admin Officer Mr. Venkat Haridas Reddy & Assistant Admin officer Mr. Govindsai Makwana demonstrated & guided them how to use a Fire Extinguisher.
Thematic Unit 'Let’s Take A Trip' - 2024
School Conducted an Event under the theme of "Thematic Unit: Let’s Take A Trip" which culminated with the event ‘All Aboard!’ organized by the students and teachers of Grade 2, within the school premises. This event focused on students learning about musical performances, dances and exhibitions and the various subjects.
Science Exhibition - 2024
A science exhibition was held in School wherein students showcased static and working models which can be used for learning various scientific concepts for children. Students had made working models, charts and posters to present their topics. Students had prepared models like the water cycle, cleaning car, smart bin, working of a windmill, street light, electronic fan, hydraulic lift, volcano, electric generator, Line Follower Robot, Obstacle Avoidance Robot, Robotic Arm etc. which were the centre of attraction of the exhibition. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen inaugurated the exhibition and encouraged students to develop a scientific fervour and an attitude of research mindedness so that they develop the qualities of analytical and critical thinking.
Quiz Competition - 2024
The House wise Quiz Competition was held at school on the occasion of National Science Day for the grade IX students. The quiz competition was designed to test the knowledge of students. The competition comprised three rounds. The first round was based on mcq type questions where students had to answer the correct option. The second round was about answering the question altogether. And the third round was about science riddles. Four students from each house participated in the quiz competition. They enjoyed the quiz competition a lot as they were able to enhance their knowledge through the question answer session. Among the four houses Terra house grabbed the first position. The Honourable Principal Dr.Malini Sen, Respected Vice-Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande and Leadership Team congratulated the winner and other participants.
Special Assembly 'National Science Day' - 2024
School conducted a Special Assembly on " National Science Day". India celebrates National Science Day on February 28 every year to mark the contributions of scientists towards the development of the country. On this day, in 1928, Indian Physicists Sir CV Raman made an important discovery in the field of spectroscopy, which was later named after him - the Raman Effect. For his discovery, Sir C.V. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. Grade VII students Performed prayer, pledge, and song etc. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen motivated the students by her valuable words.
3D Designing & Printing Competition - 2024
School Conducted " 3D Designing & Printing Competition 2023-24" for Grade V to VIII students. 3D printing is an additive process whereby layers of material are built up to create a 3D part. This is the opposite of subtractive manufacturing processes, where a final design is cut from a larger block of material. As a result, 3D printing creates less material wastage. 3D printing in education helps students to build a wide range of skills, both directly and indirectly, across all levels of learning. On 28/02/2024 Podar International School, Nanded organized The 3D Model Making Competition for the students under the guidance of Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Along with Jurries IT Manager Mr. Mujaffar Pathan, Admin Officer Mr. Venkat Haridas Reddy & Stem Faculty Mr. Syed Awaiz judged the 3D models made by the students. Here are the photographs of the competition.
Special Assembly 'Marathi Official Language Day' - 2024
School Conducted Special Assembly on Marathi Official Language Day. It is celebrated annually on February 27 to honour the Birth Anniversary of famous Marathi poet Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar, who was popularly known as 'Kusumagraj'. Shirwadkar was an eminent Marathi poet, playwright, novelist, short story writer, and humanist. Motivational Prayer, Thought for The Day, Songs, etc. Based on The Theme were Performed by the students of grade VII & VIII. Hon'ble Principla Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande respectfully garlanded the portraits of Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar. Respected Vice principal motivated the students by his valuable words.
Special Assembly 'Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti' - 2024

School has conducted a Special Assembly On "Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti" i.e. celebrated on February 19 every year to honour the contributions of the great warrior king in reviving the Maratha Empire and to pay tribute to his rich legacy. The first Chhatrapati and the great Maratha warrior was born in Pune's Shivaneri Fort in 1630. Mainly the state of Maharashtra celebrates the birth anniversary of its one of the bravest and wise monarchs of India. Grade VII Students presented Skit, Songs, Dance, thoughts etc through the assembly. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande gave valuable guidance to the students through his speech. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the students for their performances. Here are some snapshots. The presence of the Chief Guest, Mr. Ravindra B. Kamble, Principal of Kalamaharshi Tryambak Vasekar Chitrakala Mahavidyalaya, Nanded honoured the occasion.

Art Exhibition under the Theme of Art in Focus - 2024

School Organized an Art Exhibition under the Theme of "Art in Focus" – where every piece tells a story of inspiration, learning, and creativity. Step into a world where education meets imagination – our annual art exhibition! Created by students, teachers, and school staff, this event is more than just a display; it's a canvas for students to express their creativity and understanding of art's core elements.

Happening right within our school walls, this exhibition explores the 7 elements of art, from lines to colours, showcasing not just technical skills but the unique perspectives of each student. Beyond aesthetics, we emphasise process-driven art, and parent education while weaving eco-conscious themes into the event.

This exhibition is not just about art; it's a connection point. We're reaching out to parents and the local community, inviting them to witness the growth of their children and appreciate the impact of art education.

House Competition 'Significant People' - 2024

School Organised A House Competition Under the Theme of SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE - Characters and Events that Changed the World. School is an introduction to the greater world in many ways, including becoming active citizens in one’s local community and beyond. In this module, the house competition is one such step to encourage students to become ambassadors in their local communities and work actively to educate the local community through the Display Board. In which every House prepared their Soft board creatively.

Standard 1st to 8th students from all the houses participated in the competition. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen inaugurated the event & Appreciated the students' effort.

Farewell to The Grade X Students 2023-24
The students of Grade IX of School bid a farewell to the Eighth batch of the grade X students during a farewell party on Saturday. The program began with the Saraswati Poojan by Council Members. Various performances such as Dance, Songs, Skits etc were performed by the students. The Grade X students spoke about their fond memories in the school which was so touching and heart-warming. Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande and Sr. Coordinator Mr. Jaganath Dhere motivated the students with their energetic words. As a token of love the students were presented with an Exampad and a Class Photograph as their memory.
Basant Panchami - 2024
School Celebrated Basant Panchami with zeal & enthusiasm, Basant Panchami will be observed in India this year on February 14, 2024 Wednesday. One of the most significant Hindu holidays, Basant Panchami heralds the arrival of the “Vasant,” or spring season. Goddess Saraswati is the focus of worship on Basant Panchami. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Respectfully Garland The Goddess Saraswati's Statue with Leadership Team, & all Students council Members. Here are some Glimpses.
National Science Olympiad Examination 2023-24
School felicitated the students who brought laurels in "SCIENCE OLYMPIAD FOUNDATION". We are proud to announce that in the National Science Olympiad Examination 2023-24. Three students Secured Gold Medals of Distinction & 59 students secured Gold Medals of Excellence. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande felicitated the students and wished them best luck for future endeavors.
Annual Function Day 2 2023-2024

Annual Function Day 2 - The most awaited program for all Students and Parents..!! Podar International School #Nanded celebrated its 12th Annual Function with zeal and enthusiasm. The Annual Day theme for Grade V - IX was “KARMAYOGI". The function included dance as well as skits. The students won the hearts of all the stakeholders by displaying various colors of art. General Manager Mr. Prasad Ponkshe (Latur Hub), Mr. Prashant Digraskar (Education Officer, ZP Nanded), Mr. Dilip Bansode ( Deputy Education Officer), Mr. Vinaykumar Upadhyay (Principal, PIS Hingoli), Mr. Nitin Naner (Administrative Officer, PIS Hingoli) were the chief guests of the function. Distinguished Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Welcomed the Chief Guests and Felicitated the students who got Laurels success in CBSE Board Examination 2023. The school authorities were quite elated by the number of guests who turned up to witness the function. Thus it proved that an annual function is not just an event but a priceless moment. Here are some glimpses.

Annual Function Day 1 2023-2024

Annual Function Day 1 - The most awaited program for all Students and Parents..!! Podar International School #Nanded celebrated its 12th Annual Function with zeal and enthusiasm. The Annual Day theme for Grade I - IV was “Navaras". The function included dance as well as skits. The students won the hearts of all the stakeholders by displaying various colors of art. General Manager Mr. Prasad Ponkshe (Latur Hub), Mr. Giridhar Reddy (Principal, PIS Latur), Mr. Kirti Kumar Deshmukh ( Principal, PIS Ambejogai), Mr. Sudarshan Khange (Principal, PIS Parbhani), Ms. Raveena ( Head Office, Asst. Manager Account Dept.), Ms. Yogini Sanap (Accountant, Head Office), Mr. Nana Saheb Kulkarni (Administrative Officer, PIS Parbhani), Mr. N.G. Kamble (Retd. Education Officer) were the chief guests of the function . Distinguished Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Welcomed the Chief Guests. The school authorities were quite elated by the number of guests who turned up to witness the function. Thus it proved that an annual function is not just an event but a priceless moment. Here are some glimpses.

Grade - X Open- House session Pre Board-2 2023-2024
Making Of 12th Annual Day 2023-24
School is preparing for its 12th Annual Day. The blooming stars of Podar are getting ready for their vibrant performances as their teachers are putting tireless efforts in imparting sufficient training to them. Get ready for 9th & 10th Feb 2024! Here are some glimpses.
Pariksha Pe Charcha - 2024

School proudly participated in "Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024" - an insightful initiative by Ministry of Education, with Hon’ble PM Narendra Modi ji.

Our classrooms buzzed with excitement as students, teaching, and non-teaching staff tuned in for the live telecast on January 29, 2024, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM.

Key takeaways:

  • The vital role of teachers in facilitating, not just doing a job.
  • Embrace a technology-free hour for a balanced lifestyle.
  • Apply school learning in daily life.
  • Overcome the fear of failure, keep moving forward.
  • Students gained valuable lessons, and PM Modi's motivating words urged them to 'do hard work smartly.'
  • The event showcased the cultural diversity of our nation, uniting students from every corner. A proud moment for Podar International School!
Open House for Grade 10th A.Y. 2023-24
School conducted an Open House for Grade 10th A.Y. 2023-24. Teachers discussed the performances of the students. Here are a few glimpses.
Republic Day Celebration - 2024
School celebrated 75th Republic Day with Zeal & Enthusiasm. On January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution was formally adopted, and that event is commemorated on Republic Day. The National Flag was hoisted by Honourable Principal ma'am proudly. The various Performances such as Dance, Songs, Skits, etc were performed by The Students to depict the importance of the day. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande encouraged students to join the Defence Service & guided them to uphold the values of unity, diversity and progress that our nation stands for. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen wished the birthday students & gave some inspirational advice to the students.
Special Assembly - Birth Anniversary Of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose 2023-24

School conducted a special assembly on the 127th birth anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. A great leader and an inspiring nationalist with defiant patriotism for the country, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose led the Indian National Army to form alliances against the British during World War II. Bose authored the book 'The Indian Struggle' which covers the Indian independence movement from 1920 to 1942. The book was banned by the British government. He coined the term 'Jai Hind'. His charisma and powerful personality inspired many people into the freedom struggle and continues to inspire Indians. Motivational Prayer, Songs, Thought for The Day & Skit Based on The Theme were Performed by the students of grade II. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande Respectfully Garlanded the portrait of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose & motivated the students by her valuable words. Teacher also Talked on the same.

Parivartan Awareness Drive 2023-24

School organized an Assembly & Parivartan Awareness Drive under the theme of 'Be the change to bring the change'. Initiated by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) & The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways is organizing National Road SafetyMonth from 15th January 2024 – 14th February 2024 in order to create awareness among the general public to improve the safety on road. The School invited Assistant Motor Vehicle Inspector at Nanded, Saili Shankarwar and Netra Shind as guests to provide guidance about Road safety, addressing students' queries, explaining road signs, signalling while driving, and appropriate driving age. The initiative aimed to instill comprehensive training in traffic regulation, first aid, fire fighting, and civil defense, nurturing responsible citizens. Students participated in a rally, displaying placards on road safety, traffic rules, and compliance through street plays. The students interacted with the people in and around their school localities & were aware about it. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen emphasized the significance of such activities for shaping future citizens.

Teachers Training program on Financial Literacy and the use of digital tools by CBSE 2023-24
School conducted a dynamic training program on Financial Literacy and the use of digital tools by CBSE esteemed resource person, Rushikesh Kondekar, Empowers teachers with Financial Literacy & Use of digital tools training. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice-Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande introduced the session, delving into the crucial components of financial literacy. The training emphasized personal financial management, budgeting and savings, aiming to equip our teachers with essential skills for financial stability. With active participation from 45 dedicated teachers, the session proved to be both meaningful and enjoyable. Kudos to everyone involved for making this training a success!
Kite Making Activity 2023-24
School Conducted exciting and creative activities on the occasion of Makar Sankranti. Drawing Activity For Classes I to V, Kite Making Activity For Classes VI to VII, Kite Flying Activity For VIII. students enthusiastically participated in thrilling Kite Making Activity where they unleashed their creativity and made their own vibrant kites to celebrate the joyous occasion of Makar Sankranti together. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Also enjoyed the activity with Vice Principal Ajay Pharande, Leadership Team & excited Students.
Birth Anniversary of Rajmata Jijau ji & Swami Vivekanand ji 2023-24

School celebrated the Birth Anniversary of Rajmata Jijau ji or Jijau Mata. She was born on January 12th , 1598 at Sindkhed Raja in Buldhana district. The day is commemorated every year as Rajmata Jijau Jayanti, honouring her for her role in shaping Shivaji Maharaj's life, the strong upbringing she gave him, and how it helped him become the great leader of the Maratha empire.

And also School Celebrated the Birth Anniversary of Swami Vivekanand ji. He was born on January 12, 1863. Swami Vivekanand ji was a key figure in introducing Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. This day is also observed as National Youth Day, recognizing the profound impact Swami Vivekananda had on the youth and his timeless teachings that continue to inspire generations. His teachings emphasized the importance of spirituality, tolerance, and the youth's role in nation-building. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Respectfully Garlanded the portrait of Rajmata Jijau ji & Swami Vivekanand ji with Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande & Leadership team.

Daffodil Lane Books Fair 2023-24
School has organized Daffodil Lane Books Fair for Grade I & II Students & Parents. This book fair is an opportunity for children to purchase books and for parents to inculcate an early habit of reading. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen guided the parents for the same. Here are some glimpses.
Open House 2023-24
Open House for the PT 2 of Grades I–VIII & PT 3 of Grade IX -X AY 2023-24 has been configured at School. One of the crucial events for any school is Open House. It is an excellent opportunity for the instructor and parents to collaborate on the child's improvement. An open house is organized to evaluate the student's academic and extracurricular performance. Knowing and focusing on the child's performance is beneficial as today significance in all the spheres of education is of great concern. The parents and the Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen had a productive conversation during which she resolved their queries.
Special Assembly - Happy New Year 2023-24
"A new Year is like a blank book, And the Pen is in your hands. This is your chance to write a fascinating story for yourself." School conducted a Special Assembly on New Year. Grade VII students performed Prayer, pledge and presented motivational stories. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande encouraged the students & gave some advice to make new resolutions about doing Exercise or physical activity on a daily basis, do not consume junk food & take care of Health. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen wished the Podarites Happy New Year and inspired the students.
Result of SOF & IGKO certificate distribution - 2024
We feel privileged to announce that students of School brought laurels in Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF). Students participated in the International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) in maximum number. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen congratulated and appreciated the effort of the students by felicitating the Gold Medalists and wished them best luck for future endeavors.
Jumpstart Activity 'Significant People' - 2024
School conducted a Jumpstart Activity under the theme of 'SIGNIFICANT PEOPLE – Characters and Events that Changed the World' for Grade I to VIII. The focus of the theme – ‘Significant People’ is to empower the students to understand the talents /skills/ qualities/ philosophies of the significant people of the world and see how the students can explore their own qualities, enhance them and become significant in the future. The students got an opportunity to learn and analyse the different concepts under this module and they participated enthusiastically & performed the activity.
Special Assembly 'Special Assembly - Birth Anniversary of Savitribai Phule Ji' - 2023
School conducted a Special Assembly to celebrate the 193rd Birth Anniversary of India's first Woman Teacher Savitribai Phule Ji. She was Born on January 3, 1831 and is remembered for her significant contributions towards Women's Education and the Empowerment of Women in India. Students of Std. X performed various performances in Assembly to depict the importance of the day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen respectfully garlanded the portrait of Savitribai Phule Ji. Teachers along with Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande sir highlighted the importance of the day. School also celebrates the Birth Anniversary of Greta Thunberg, born on January 3, 2003. She is an environmental activist who has actively spoken out about the problems of climate change. She is famous for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change mitigation.
Educational Field Trip to the Fort of Nanded - 2023
'Field Trips connect the school world with the outside world making it tangible and memorable'. School arranged an educational field trip to the Ancient Beauty – Fort of Nanded, i.e. Nandagiri fort. The historical significance and relevance of the famous monuments were explained to the students. They had a panoramic view of the Nandagiri fort and a taste of history. They also spoke with the local guide briefly, asking him questions and getting their doubts cleared. Students gained knowledge and valuable experience from this educational tour.
Special Assembly 'Christmas Celebration' - 2023

School held a special assembly to celebrate Christmas Day with great fervor and excitement. Students in grades IV and V performed skits, song, dance, and other performances that reflected the significance of the day. Christians everywhere celebrate Christmas with great fervor and grandeur, as it is a holiday of joy and happiness. Jesus Christ's birth anniversary is celebrated on this day. December 25 is the day when Christmas is observed each year. Students were inspired by the Vice Principal. Mr. Ajay Pharande Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen inspired the children with her message, wishing Merry Christmas to all of the staff, parents, and students.

Farmer's Day Celebration - 2023
Join us in celebrating Farmer's Day at Podar International School as we honor the dedication and hard work of our farming community. Let's cultivate gratitude and appreciation for those who feed the world!
Training on National Education Policy 2020 - 2023-2024

The educational training on the National Education Policy 2020 was successfully conducted at Podar International School in Nanded. The training organized by CBSE New Delhi and CBSE Center of Excellence, Pune, witnessed the enthusiastic participation of teachers and presence of Mrs. Sundari Subramaniam, Principal of Sanjeevani International School in Shirdi, Ahmednagar, and Dr. Sonali Balwatkar, Principal of Akshara International School in Pune.

During this event, teachers received guidance on the implementation of the new National Education Policy, addressing current challenges in the education sector. Teachers from Podar International School also actively contributed to the discussions.

Topics covered included the restructuring of school curricula and pedagogy, early childhood care and education, fundamental literacy and ensuring universal access to education at all levels. Experts discussed the importance of teacher guidance in areas like new teaching methods, multilingualism, language proficiency, curriculum development, and the integration of local resources.

The training was graced by the presence of Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Mr. Ajay Pharande, Vice-Principal, along with expert mentors.

Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen emphasized the need for awareness among teachers about the new National Education Policy and their effective implementation. She expressed confidence that these standards would positively impact education in India on a global scale.

The training was attended by school administrators, Mr. Haridas Reddy, Mr. Govindasai Makwana, Senior Coordinator Mr. Jagannath Dhere, Middle School Coordinator Ms. Reena Nair, Primary School Coordinator Ms. Meenakshi Iyar, and all teaching staff.

Christmas Day Celebration activities - 2023
School conducted Christmas Day Celebration activities under the After School Club. Grade wise activities are taken such as Snow Man Model making for Grade I & II, Christmas Greeting Card Making for Grade III & IV, Winter Season Drawing for Grade VI to VIII The students exhibited hidden skills and presented their best.
National Mathematics Day - 2023
The school enthusiastically and zealously observed National Mathematics Day. National Mathematics Day is observed annually on December 22 in India. This day is the famed mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan's birth anniversary. Paying tribute to the great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan was Respected Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande, the Leadership team and Mathematics Department.
Annual Sports Day certificate & Medalist felicitation ceremony for Gr. I to IX - 2023
Annual Sports Day certificate & Medalist felicitation ceremony for Gr. I to IX School held its annual Sports Day Certificate and medalist felicitation ceremony for grades I to IX, titled "12th Ashwamedh 2.0". Three positions for the Medal and Certificate were announced during that ceremony. Here Are A Few Snapshots.
House Competition 'The Wall of Myths' - 2023
School conducted a House Competition – ‘The Wall of Myths' In which every House from The Grade I to VIII creatively decorated their Softboard to depict The Theme. This exercise will give students a platform to practically implement their learning on myths under the theme of "MYTHBUSTERS – Uncovering Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends Engraved in Time". The students learn different myths that are followed and practiced in different cultures. The ‘Wall of Myths’ house competition will give an opportunity for the children to think, explore and express their learning in a creative way. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen inaugurated the event with Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande & Appreciated the students' effort.
12th Annual Sports Day Celebration 'Ashwamedh 2.0 - Shift 2' 2023-2024

The 12th Annual Sports Day "Ashwamedh 2.0" was joyfully and enthusiastically celebrated At School, Scouts from all across the school were playing a variety of sports on the grounds. The school organized the event in two shifts for the sports day. Students in Grades V To IX took part in the Second shift. To add some spice, there were a variety of races and relays, workouts, dances, tug-of-war, karate, and march pasts. The presence of excited parents enlivened and inspired the young children to act with vigor. During the memorable day, our Chief Guest Deputy Superintendent Police Mr. Suraj Gurav, gave a message to parents and students about the importance of sports in today's world. our esteemed General Manager Hon'ble Mr. Prasad Ponkshe and Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen gave best wishes to all the participating students through their respective speech. And also the presence of Hon'ble Principal Mr. Sudarshan Khagane (PIS Parbhani), Administrative Officer Mr. Nana Kulkarni ( PIS Parbhani) as the chief guest added to the splendor of the event. Here are Some snapshots of Shift 2!

12th Annual Sports Day Celebration 'Ashwamedh 2.0 - Shift 1' 2023-2024

The 12th Annual Sports Day "Ashwamedh 2.0" was joyfully and enthusiastically celebrated At School, Scouts from all across the school were playing a variety of sports on the grounds. The school organized the event in two shifts for the sports day. Students in Grades I To IV took part in the first shift. To add some spice, there were a variety of races and relays, workouts, dances, tug-of-war, karate, and march pasts. The presence of excited parents enlivened and inspired the young children to act with vigor. During the memorable day, Deputy Commissioner of GST Mr. Nilesh Shewalkar the Chief Guest and gave a message to parents and students about the importance of sports in today's world. our esteemed General Manager Hon'ble Mr. Prasad Ponkshe and Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen gave best wishes to all the participants students through their respective speech. Here are Some snapshots of Shift 1!

Parent Orientation Program 'Term 2' 2023-24
School held Term -2 Parent Orientation Program for Grade X students, led by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice - Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande & Senior Co-ordinator Mr. Jagannath Dhere to discuss their academic performance and progress. During this orientation, parents and instructors reviewed many problems concerning students' studies and school strategies. Finally, Hon'ble Principal ma'am addressed the students, encouraging them to be diligent about their academics and to cherish the time they have in their life. The orientation proved to be really beneficial.
Field trip for Grade V to IX - 2023-24
Field trips provide students with experiences outside their everyday activities in the confines of the school premises. To give the students a break from the monotony of classroom teaching, Podar International School #Nanded arranged a #Fieldtrip for the students of Grade V to IX to the Mata Gujariji Visava Garden & Let. Uttamrao Patil Biodiversity Park, Nanded. Field trips allow students to collaborate with their peers, explore new environments, make connections, problem solve, develop trust, and empathy. The students Enthusiastically became a part of it which made the trip become an enlightening & pleasant experience for them.
Educational Trip to Aurangabad - 2023
Moving beyond the classroom, School arranged an educational field trip to the Ancient Beauty – Monuments of Aurangabad, i.e. Sidharth Garden & Zoo, Soneri Mahal, Bibi Ka Maqbara, The Ajanta Caves & Etc. Activity-based learning is important to bridge the gap between education and hands-on experience. The historical significance and relevance of the famous monuments were explained to the students. They had a panoramic view of the Ajanta Caves and a taste of history. They also spoke with the local guide briefly, asking him questions and getting their doubts answered. Students gained knowledge and valuable experience from this educational tour.
Special Assembly to honor the unsung heroes of 26/11 - 2023
School Based on the Mumbai Bomb Blast Attack, Grade VI students held a special assembly to honor the unsung heroes of 26/11. The 2008 Mumbai terror attacks, which will go down in history as a vicious act of Pakistan-sponsored terrorism, mark its 15th anniversary today. In addition to hundreds of injuries, more than 160 people died. But the Indians have grown tougher and less accepting of senseless acts of violence that have no other intention but to terrorize. Students are expected to honor our heroes with skits, songs, prayer speeches and other performances. The Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen, reverent Tributes paid to martyrs.
POSH Training for all Staff 2023-24
School conducted a Training Program on POSH for the educators. The virtual training session has been conducted by Hon'ble Principal Mr. Nilesh Patil Podar International School #Sangamner effectively. These kinds of Sessions are helpful to get aware of the POSH Act. This helps women to come out and report about any type of sexual harassment at the work place.
Field Trip For Grade I to IV - 2023
Field trips provide students with experiences outside their everyday activities in the confines of the school premises. To give the students a break from the monotony of classroom teaching, School arranged a #Fieldtrip for the students of Grade I to IV to the Book Worm NoteBook Industry & Reliance Super Market, Nanded. Field trips allow students to collaborate with their peers, explore new environments, make connections, problem solve, develop trust, and empathy. The students Enthusiastically became a part of it which made the trip become an enlightening & pleasant experience for them.
Special Assembly 'Constitution Day' - 2023
During the morning assembly, School observed Constitution Day and heard a pledge about fundamental duties made by Middle Coordinator Ms. Reena Nair. The purpose of the pledge was to raise awareness among students about their responsibilities, which include respecting the national flag and anthem, maintaining unity, protecting sovereignty, and valuing our culture. Constitution Day is observed annually on November 26 to commemorate the Constituent Assembly's adoption of the Indian Constitution. On this day in 1949, the country's Constituent Assembly formally enacted the Constitution, which became operative on January 26, 1950. With her insightful remarks, Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen emphasized the necessity and significance of the Constitution.
Special Assembly 'Guru Nanak Jayanti Celebration' - 2023
School had a special assembly to commemorate Guru Nanak Jayanti. Seventh-grade students led the assembly. Activities like songs, skits, and other acts were presented. This festival holds paramount importance for adherents of Sikhism as it marks the anniversary of the revered Guru who played a pivotal role in shaping and fortifying the Sikh community. Sikh literature dictates that Guru Nanak's birth anniversary is observed on the Full Moon day of the Indian lunar month of Kartik. The honorable principal, Dr. Malini Sen, respectfully garlanding the portrait of Guru Nanak Ji, inspiring the students and recognizing their hard work. The instructor also discussed the significance of Guru Nanak Jayanti.
Special Assembly 'Children's Day Celebration' - 2023
School On Children's Day, celebrated with a special assembly in which teachers of PIS presented drama, skit, dance, prayer and more. In honor of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the nation's first prime minister, November 14 is observed as Children's Day in India each year. Children's Day aims to increase awareness of children's rights, care, and education in addition to honoring Pandit Nehru. In observance of the UN General Assembly's 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child, World Children's Day is also observed on November 20 every year. 'For every child, every right' is the theme for the 2023 World Children's Day. Respected Vice Principal Sir Mr. Ajay Phrande, along with the Leadership Team garlanded The Goddess Saraswati's Statue & Portrait of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and wished all the students Happy Childrens day & motivated the students for future endeavours and also distributed refreshment among students.
Diwali Celebration Activity - 2023
School conducted an activity to celebrate #Diwali students participated in the activity with great enthusiasm . After the school club Grade wise activities are taken such as Diya Decoration for grade I to III, Lantern Making for Grade IV to VI and Rangoli for Grade VII & VIII. The students of the school wished Happy Diwali to the Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande they appreciated the students for these school activities and wished all the students Happy Diwali !
Special Assembly 'Diwali Celebration' - 2023
School Conducted a Special Assembly on the occasion of Diwali. Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights. In the very old Indian language, Sanskrit, Diwali (or Deepavali) means 'row of lamps'. People light lamps at Diwali to show that light is more powerful than darkness, and good is more powerful than evil. Diwali also celebrates new beginnings. For Hindus, this is linked to the ancient legend of Lord Rama, who was deprived of his kingdom and sent into exile for 14 years. Diwali celebrates Rama's eventual defeat of the evil spirit Ravana, and his triumphant return to his home. Grade IX students performed various acts, Dance, etc were performed 7 depicting the importance of the Day. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande gave the message that students should celebrate Diwali without Pollution in his Speech. Teachers also Talked on the same topic. Hon'ble Principal Malini Sen appreciated the students performance & wish students, Parents & all Staff Happy Diwali.
Halloween Day 2023-24
School, the internationally recognized holiday of Halloween came to life as our young students in the first and second grades set off on an exciting adventure into the realm of cultural diversity and frightening fun! The Halloween costume parade, in which our students dressed as witches, ghosts, or their other favorite eerie characters, was the highlight of the day. This was more than just a fun-filled occasion; it was a worldwide affair. Our goal was to introduce our children to a variety of cultural celebrations and the values that accompany them, all in a lively and enjoyable environment. This celebration of diversity in cultures and customs brought attention to international festivals and their ideals. Many found it to be an enlightening experience about the elaborate Halloween customs in the West. Along with all of the young students, Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande enjoyed the occasion. These are some sneak peeks.
Special Assembly 'Vigilance Awareness Week' 2023-24
School Conducted A Special Assembly on Vigilance Awareness Week 2023 Initiated by Central Vigilance Commission from 30th October to 5th November, 2023 with the theme "Say no to corruption; commit to the Nation". The week's activities aim to raise awareness, build capacity, and strengthen the nation's resolve to say no to corruption and stay dedicated to the welfare of the nation. Grade X students performed Songs, Skits, Act, etc and depicted the importance of the day. Sr. coordinator Mr. Jagannath Dhere took the Integrity pledge along with all dignitaries, Students, Teachers & all Staff. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini sen guided the Students and presented certificates to the students who participated in House Competition - (The world of gadgets and Gizmos & The Clash of Advertisement), Initiated by CBSE activity - Veer Gatha 3.0 & Science Challenge 2023-24 & wished them for the best Future endeavour.
Assembly 'Friendship Day' - 2023
"My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me." — Henry Ford. School conducted an assembly on the theme 'Friendship'. Someone has rightly said that "A Friend in need is a friend indeed" this is what a true friend means in good and bad times. A good friend always teaches us the right thing and keeps us away from the evil things. friendship, a state of enduring affection, esteem, intimacy, and trust between two people. In all cultures, friendships play an important throughout a person's life . Teachers also talked on the same topic. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini sen Guided the Students and presented certificates to the students who participated in House Competition - The world of gadgets and Gizmos, Initiated by CBSE activity - Veer Gatha 3.0 & Science Challenge 2023-24 & wished them for the best Future endeavour.
Donation Drive Campaign 2 - 2023

School Organised Donation Drive Campaign 0.2 Under The Guidance Of Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande. The children of class 1 to 5 donated items that are useful in daily life i.e. Wheat, Rice, Moongdal, Toor Dal, Onion, Potato, etc. Students of 6th to 8th standard donated Detergent soap, Bathing soap, Shampoo, Hair Oil, Hand Towel, Cold Cream, Candle, Etc. 9th and 10th standard students donated Any Foodgrain, Biscuits, etc and donated to the students of Suman Childrens home for Orphan Girls as well as Matoshree Vruddhashram and Sneh Senior Citizens Home For 50 elders Women's Asola, Parbhani by Our Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. All the students of the school participated enthusiastically in this activity and contributed to this social work. School is a replica of society. Just as the school gives direction to the society, it also contributes significantly in changing the condition of the society. Such activities are motivating and guiding to liquidate the social sensibilities and social consciousness of the students.

Special Assembly 'Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Birth Anniversary' 2023-24
To commemorate Iron Man Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's birth anniversary, School held a special assembly. The assembly was led by sixth-grade students while a variety of acts were presented. Every year on October 31, people celebrate National Unity Day, also known as Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, in honor of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Home Minister of India. Patel was instrumental in convincing several princely states to join the Union of Students, and his birth anniversary is celebrated on this day. To commemorate the event, a pledge (oath) taking ceremony was held for the pupils. The children were inspired by their honorable principal, Dr. Malini Sen, who also wished them well on their future endeavors.
Success of Chandrayaan-3 Mission - 2023
Podar International School Nanded conducted an assembly enthusiastically on the theme success of chandrayaan- 3 mission. Students of grade V performed various act, songs related to the theme. On 23 August 2023, The successful soft-landing of Indian Space Research Organisation's (ISRO) Chandrayaan-3 mission made India the first country to land near the south pole on the Moon. This Chandrayaan-3 mission comprises the Vikram lander and Pragyan rover, both of which conducted in-situ experiments on the Moon's surface. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen interacted with the students & motivated them by her valuable words.
Open House for Grade I to X 2023-24

School extends heartfelt thanks to all the students, parents, and guardians who made our Open House a resounding success! Your presence and enthusiasm were truly inspiring.

At the Open House, we had the chance to showcase our facilities, curriculum, and the many opportunities our school offers. It was a pleasure to see so many eager faces and answer your questions. Our journey to educational excellence continues, and we're excited to have you all on board. Thank you for being a part of our school's success story!

Special gratitude goes to our distinguished Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande. Their leadership and support were instrumental in making this event a triumph. We appreciate their dedication to our school community.

An Online Session on "Parenting" 2023-24
School conducted an Online Session on "Parenting" By Prof. Ashish Nagale. This session aims to create awareness about how adults can ensure that children's needs are satisfied and how children can be supported to reach their full potential. Respected Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande & Leadership Team Welcomed the Guest.
Jumpstart Activity under the theme of Mythbusters - 2023
School conducted a Jumpstart Activity under the theme of ‘Mythbusters - Uncovering Myths, Fairy Tales and Legends Engraved in Time' for Grade I to VIII. The focus of the theme is to help the children to discover different cultures and people around the world by exploring their myths. Most past cultures and civilizations have some form of mythology, usually passed down from one generation to the next by storytellers. The students get an opportunity to learn and analyse the different concepts under this module. The aim of the module is to help children understand and appreciate the power of story – to engage, entertain and educate. students participated enthusiastically & performed the activity.
Special Assembly 'Navratri Celebration' - 2023

On the occasion of Navratri, School had a special assembly. Seventh graders showcased a variety of plays, dances, songs, and other performances that portrayed the significance of the day.

The nine forms are thought of as the nine phases of Durga during the nine-day battle with the demon king Mahishasura; Hindus celebrate the tenth day of the battle as Vijayadashami, signifying the triumph of good over evil. It is regarded as one of the most significant celebrations.

The nine goddesses Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kaalaratri, Mahagauri, Durga, or ParaShakti are worshipped over the nine days of Navratri. The Honorable Principal, Dr. Malini Sen, inspired the children with her insightful remarks and acknowledged a few for being present in 'Swachhta Hi Sewa 3.0'

Dandiya Nights Day 4 'Grade VII & VIII' - 2023
Together with parents and students in Grades VII & VIII, School celebrated Dandiya Nights with great zeal and excitement. Here are a few glimpses.
Dandiya Nights Day 4 'Grade IX & X' - 2023
Students in Grades IX & X of School celebrated Dandiya Nights with great zeal and excitement. Here are a few glimpses.
Dandiya Nights Day 3 'Grade V & VI' - 2023
Together with parents and students in Grades V & VI, School celebrated Dandiya Nights with great zeal and excitement. Here are a few glimpses.
Celebration of Dandiya Nights (Grade III & IV) - 2023
Together with parents and students in Grades III & IV, School celebrated Dandiya Nights with great zeal and excitement. Here Are A Few Snapshots.
Assembly under the theme of Disaster Management - 2023

School conducted an Assembly under the theme of Disaster Management. It is the process of planning, managing, coordinating, and carrying out the necessary measures to prevent or mitigate a disaster and its effects. It includes: Teaching preparedness on how to deal with a disaster. Prompt action in the face of a disaster. grade VII students Performed various Songs, Act, etc to depict the importance of the theme. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen gave valuable information through speech, Disaster management is the primary and secondary plan of peoples to decrease the risk of disasters and to deal with disasters. Disaster management handles the natural calamity and disasters efficiently. In some cases, Disaster management may not avoid the situation.odar International School Nanded conducted an under the theme of Disaster Management. It is the process of planning, managing, coordinating, and carrying out the necessary measures to prevent or mitigate a disaster and its effects. It includes: Teaching preparedness on how to deal with a disaster. Prompt action in the face of a disaster. grade VII students Performed various Songs, Act, etc to depict the importance of the theme. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen gave valuable information through speech, Disaster management is the primary and secondary plan of peoples to decrease the risk of disasters and to deal with disasters. Disaster management handles the natural calamity and disasters efficiently. In some cases, Disaster management may not avoid the situation.

Celebration of Dandiya Nights Grade I & II - 2023
Together with parents and students in Grades I and II, School celebrated Dandiya Nights with great zeal and excitement. The celebration began with the Leadership Team, including Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande, and the Goddess Saraswati's statue being garlanded. Here Are A Few Snapshots.
Activity 'International Year of Millets' - 2023

School conducted an activity under the theme of "International Year of Millets 2023". 'International Year of Millets 2023' – an initiative by the United Nations to bring millets back into people's daily diets. Millets are highly sustainable crops that can grow in harsh weather conditions, making it an inexpensive crop to grow. This hugely benefits the farming community too. Grade I to VIII Students Participate enthusiastically & perform the Activity. The objective of the special feature 'International Year of Millets' is to create and spread awareness about the nutritional powerhouse grains - Millets. The activities planned for the sessions enable and equip the students to grasp, infer, relate and extend the understanding of the benefits of millets into their lives. It encourages students to not just incorporate millets into their own diets but also that of their families and friends.

Special Assembly 'International Year of Millets' - 2023

School conducted a special assembly on the occasion of 'International Year of Millets’. The Food and Agriculture Organization and United Nations has recognised 2023 as International Year of Millets or IYM2023 for awareness about health and nutritional benefits of millets. The Indian Government proposed to celebrate 2023 as the International Year of Millets. International Year of Millets 2023 aims to raise awareness about the importance of millets and their health benefits. It also seeks to promote the production, consumption, and value-addition of millet products. The theme of the International Year of Millets is “Healthy Millets, Healthy People.” 7th Standard Students performed in a Special assembly on this special day. They showed the importance of millet products through skits, speech and Pledge, through which they depicted the importance of the day. Our distinguished principal Dr. Malini Sen along with Vice Principal sir also emphasized the significance of Millet and its practical utilization for healthy life.

Special Assembly 'Air Force Day' - 2023

School enthusiastically and zealously observed Indian Air Force Day. The seventh-grade kids held an assembly to mark the occasion and participated in a variety of performances to highlight the significance of the day. To honor the creation of the Indian Air Force, the day of the Indian Air Force is observed. The Indian Air Force celebrates its anniversary on October 8 each year because it was the day the organization was formally created in 1932. In March 1945, the force received the prefix "Royal" in recognition of its professional effectiveness and victories during World War II. The pupils were inspired by the principal, Dr. Malini Sen, who also recognized their efforts. Mr. Ajay Pharande, the vice principal, provided some advice to the parents, students and teachers & guided for the same. Teacher also expressed the views.

Chess tournament - 2023
A chess tournament, The Nanded District Chess & Rapid Chess Association Nanded, in conjunction with the Pune District Sports Council, the Directorate of Sports and Youth Services, and the District Sports Officer Office, is hosting a tournament for players under the ages of 14, 17, and 19, at Podar International School in #Nanded. Students from many Districts enthusiastically took part in the competition. As the program's chief guest, Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen welcomed all dignitaries and opened it by wishing the children well. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande joined her in welcoming the students and parents.
Seminar 'Mighty Minds' - 2023
Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen organized the seminar for the Senior grades to Enrich, Educate & Encourage our young minds. A team of memory experts 'Mighty Minds' Conducted a seminar at Podar International School. Mr. Rajshekhar Miryanam ( Hyderabad) has guided the students on how learning can be made interesting. Our Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande also guided the students on this occasion about the Secret of achieving success.
International Girl Child Day - 2023

School Conducted an Assembly on the "International Girl Child Day". Every year on October 11, people around the world celebrate International Girl Child Day. This day is dedicated to raising awareness about the unique challenges and opportunities that girls face, promoting gender equality, and empowering girls to reach their full potential. The theme of International Day of the Girl 2023 according to the UNICEF website is, "Invest in Girls' Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being. On these Auspicious days, grade VIII students performed various Skit, Act, prayers & etc to depict the importance of the day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Interacted with the students & guided them on the same topic. and also felicitated Mast. Sk Shahid Sattar & Mast. Arnav Shinde for being present throughout the year in Academic year 2022-23.

World Mental Health Awareness Day Assembly - 2023
School enthusiastically conducted an Assembly on "World Mental Health Awareness Day". Mental health is the foundation of a happy life. Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. students of Grade IVth C gave a presentation on Yoga, Meditation, Sports Activity and how we should take care of our mental health with the aim of World Health Mental Awareness through the assembly. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the participating students & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande also guided for the same.
Transport Committee Meeting - 2023
School Conducted Transport Committee Meeting 2023-24. Various Officers from Regional Transport Department, Education Department along with the School Staff were present for the Meeting. Various Points were discussed in the meeting and Suggestion/Guidance were offered by the present members.
Special Campaign 3.0 - 2023
Students from School joined forces as part of the ongoing #SpecialCampaign3.0 to support #Shramdaan, a school-wide cleanliness effort with student participation to promote cleanliness, sanitation, and hygiene in society. Together, we're enhancing the light on our campus and in our neighbourhood. The community benefited from the cleanliness initiative. As a result, there was less littering, better sanitation, and more people were aware of the advantages of cleanliness.
Fire Mock Drill Training for Transportation Staff - 2023
School conducted fire mock drill training for transportation staff. The Fire Mock Drill is aimed at testing and improving an organization's or community's entire capability through the strengthening of its policies, processes, plans, and protocols. It is important to practice your roles and responsibilities in advance in order to save lives, assets, and surroundings.
Happy Smiling Day - 2023
Here's to the future, wrapped in smiles and filled with endless possibilities. Happy Smiling Day to all the little dreamers!
Special Assembly 'Birth Anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shastrij' - 2023

At School the birth anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhiji and Lal Bahadur Shastriji were celebrated. A special assembly was held for grade l children to commemorate the event. Mahatma Gandhiji, the nation's father whose life philosophy and services to the cause of Indian independence were great, is honored. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on October 2, 1869. The vital part he played in the struggle for Indian independence has led to him being referred to as the Father of the Nation by Indians.

Lal Bahadur Shastri, the second prime minister of independent India, was born on October 2, 1904, to Sharada Prasad Srivastava and Ramdulari Devi in Mughalsarai, Uttar Pradesh. His birth anniversary was also observed. On this day, we honor and respect Lal Bahadur Shastri's aim for enhancing the educational system and empowering women. He significantly altered society and contributed to the betterment of the country.

Children spoke throughout the assembly and also performed dance, drama, comedy, and other acts. The distinguished Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande and respectfully garlanded Lal Bahadur Shastriji and Mahatma Gandhi's pictures, paid tribute to him, and the Honorable Principal motivated the kids with her wise advice.

Swachhata Hi Seva 3.0 - A campaign - 2023
School organized a campaign Swachhata Hi Seva 3.0 on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. The campaign is being organized by the Government of India. The Swachata Hi Seva campaign is being celebrated to undertake 'shramdaan' activities with the aim of generating a 'Jan Andolan' through community participation. Students and Parents enthusiastically Participated in the campaign. Hon'ble Principal Dr Malini Sen and Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande successfully completed this activity with Admin Department, Leadership Team, Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff.
Meri Maati Mera Desh' - Maati Ko Naman, Veeron Ka Vandan - 2023

School organized a 'Meri Maati Mera Desh'- Maati Ko Naman, Veeron Ka Vandan under the theme of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav initiated by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). It is a tribute to the Veers and Veeranganas who have made the supreme sacrifice for the country. "Meri Maati Mera Desh" envisions a unified celebration of India's soil and valour, commemorating the nation's journey of freedom and progress and also under the Panch Prana Pratigya, Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice Principal Mr Ajay Pharande with all Staff and students took oath that they will make India self-reliant and developed by 2047 and also fulfill all the duties of being citizen of India while strengthening the unity of India. Students enthusiastically participated in the activity.

Nanded district level school games Result 2023-24

We are honored to inform you all that our students have grabbed the first position in Nanded district level school games 2023-24 Conducted By District Sports Officer's Competitions - Nanded District and are selected for divisional level.

Our Outstanding Achievers !

U-17 Girls & Boys Badminton - Team Games Winners
1) Miss. Payaswini Prasad Pande.
2) Miss. Vaidehi uday Naik.
3) Miss. Pranjali Prakash Renguntwar.
4) Miss. Prajakta Chandrashekhar Swami.
5) Miss. Rajeshwari Annadate.
6) Mast. Samyak Pralhad Jondhale.
7) Mast. Ojas Pramod Kulkarni.
8) Mast. Prithviraj Singh Indalsing Naglod.
9) Mast. Saurabh Vishal Lokhande.
10) Mast. Abhir Sachin Shete.

U-14 District level Chess- Individual Games Winners
1) Miss. Sanidhya Sanjay Waghamare
2) Mast. Varad Gajanan Bokhare
3) Mast. Swaham Sanjay Waghmare
4) Miss. Ananya Shrivallabh Karlekar

U-17 District level Girls & Boys Table tennis - Team Games Winners
1) Miss. Mrunmai Anand Narwade
2) Mast. Prashik Adnesh Narwade

U-14 District level Artistic Gymnastics - Individual Games Winners
1) Mast. Krish Ashok Kokate

U-14 District level Lawn Tennis - Individual Games Winners
1) Miss. Vaishnavi Shyamsunder Kore
2) Miss. Bhakti Kantilal Ingle
3) Mast. Vedraj Gajanan Patil

U-14 Taluka Level Football - Team Games Winners
1) Mast. Vihaan Bhimrao Khade
2) Mast. Shriom Pandurang Ruikar
3) Mast. Aryan manish agrawal
4) Mast. Rudraksh Pradeep Guthe
5) Mast. Utkarsh Champat Munneshwar
6) Mast. Vivant Suresh Moon
7) Mast. Nimish balaji wattamwar
08) Mast. Shivraj Rustum Bhosale
9) Mast. Pratik BalraJ Dengle
10) Mast. Maitreya Mohan Bhosale
11) Mast. Pranav Udhav Jaybhaye
12) Mast. Atharva Achyut Karad
13) Mast. Sowmya Ganesh Gattani
14) Mast. Jay Balaji Langade
15) Mast. Shrihari Narayan Deshmukh
16) Mast. Shreyash Sanjayrao Narwade
17) Mast. Mohammed Saad

Honourable Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande congratulated Podarites and wished Them good luck in the upcoming events at the divisional level.

Immersion of Lord Ganesha 2023-24
At School, The traditional practices of performing Pooja, aarti, and sincere prayers to Lord Ganesha preceded the immersion event. The school's administration, devoted staff, and eager students came together to send Bappa a loving farewell and strongly ask him to return bearing much joy and prosperity for our institution.
One Day Training Session 'Outstanding Lessons' Implementation and Delivery - 2023

School held a Training Session on 'Outstanding Lessons' Implementation and Delivery. Respected Ms. Archana Awade and Respected Mr. Sudhanshu S. Nayak led the workshop. An outstanding lesson is one in which appropriate resources are used by a teacher who is enthusiastic about their subject to deliver a learning experience that takes into account each pupil's varying needs and inspires them to take risks, make connections, and learn while constantly checking. The overall goal of this workshop is to create a well-designed lesson plan that aids students and teachers in understanding the objectives of an instructional module. The teacher is able to translate the curriculum into learning activities. Teachers will also learn how to structure and present their lessons in a more effective manner.

Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meet - 2023
School conducted Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meet 2023-24. PTA meetings are being meticulously conducted by our School. PTA Meet is a tripolar process the main aim of which is to build strong relationships between parents, teachers, and the whole school community.
Ganesh Utsav 'Ganesh Aartis' 2023-24
Here are some sneak peaks of performing devotional prayers and Pooja throughout last week.
Ganesh Chaturthi - 2023
Like every year, Bappa's arrival was welcomed this year also in School with great zeal and enthusiasm. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande duly placed the Ganesha idol at our school and greeted all students, staff, and parents.
Marathwada Liberation Day - 2023
School celebrated Marathwada Liberation Day. Marathwada Liberation Day, also known as Marathwada Mukti Sangram Din is celebrated in Maharashtra on 17 September annually. It marks the anniversary of Marathwada's integration with India when the Indian military invaded the State of Hyderabad, and defeated the Nizam on 17 September 1948, 13 months after Indian independence. Various activities were performed by the staff & The significance of Marathwada Mukti Sangram Din was expressed by the teachers interactively. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen motivated the staff and wished best luck for the future endeavours.
Hindi diwas celebration - 2023
School was filled with patriotic fervor as we celebrated Hindi Diwas with an enthralling assembly! Our talented students showcased their creativity through captivating dances, soulful songs, and thought-provoking skits, all in the enchanting language of Hindi. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen graced the event with her presence, adding prestige to the occasion. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande enlightened us on the significance of Hindi Diwas, emphasizing its role in preserving our cultural heritage and fostering unity. Let's continue to celebrate our linguistic diversity and cherish the beauty of Hindi.
Session on Health & Hygiene - 2023

School conducted a session on Health & Hygiene for the classes VI -VIII. Students were guided on the following points:-

*To highlight the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.
* Importance of healthy food and a balanced diet.
* Physical health, Emotional health and social well being.
* Stay fit, stay focused.

Swachhata Pakhwada - 2023
School held an assembly on the theme "Swachhata Pakhwada," which was initiated by the Department of Drinking Water & Sanitation, Ministry of Jal Shakti, Government of India. Students in grade V participated in numerous activities such as thoughts of the day, prayer, and Swachhata Shapath, which was taken by all students and teachers during the school assembly. The goal of this assembly was to raise cleanliness awareness among all of us.
Special Feature 'Celebrating Kabir' - 2023
'Special Feature - Celebrating Kabir' activities were planned for students in grades I to VIII intends to introduce students to Kabir, a poet, philosopher, and saint. Saint Kabir communicated his life's principles through poems/dohas or couplets that were both practical and approachable. Students will correlate these dohas with the life principles and to use them in their daily lives. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen encouraged the students and wished them success in their future endeavors
Janmashtami Celebration - 2023
School held an enchanting Janmashtami assembly, where we celebrated the divine spirit of Lord Krishna! This auspicious occasion promises a vibrant blend of activities, from soul-soothing bhajans to mesmerizing dance performances. As we commemorated this festival of love and devotion, we are honored to announce that our esteemed Hon'ble Principal Dr. MAlini Sen, graced the occasion with her presence. Her wisdom and guidance have always been our guiding light, and we are delighted to have her join us for this celebration. The vibrant performances filled with joy, laughter, and the blessings of Janmashtami. The whole Podar family came together to make this day truly special !
Teacher's Day Celebration - 2023

School celebrated Teachers' Day. Students of Grade X conducted the special Assembly on this occasion. Teachers' Day is celebrated on September 5 to honour educators and recognise the efforts that they put into shaping young individuals. Teachers' Day also marks the birth anniversary of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, the first Vice-President of India and the second President of India. Assembly started with the lightening of lamp and offering garland to Goddess Saraswati's statue & the portrait of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen with Hon'ble General Manager (Nanded HUB) Mr. Prasad Ponkshe, Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande, Admin Officer Mr. Haridas Reddy Along with senior staff. Various activities like skit, Dance, Songs, etc were performed by Students in the assembly. Mr. Ajay Pharande, Vice Principal, stressed the significance of the day. With her wise comments, Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen guided the children to respect our mothers, teachers and all.

Culminating Event 'Biz Kids Bazaar' - 2023
School held a CULMINATING EVENT - #BizKids Bazaar' with the subject YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS - DISCOVER THE BUSINESSMAN IN YOU. Events were held in two shifts. First shift for students in grades one to four, and second shift for students in grades five to eight. This bazaar will not only allow students to discover and explore their talents, dreams, and abilities, but also highlight their entrepreneurial efforts to visitors And the income from this will be donated to meet the needs of old age homes and needy students in orphanages. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen officiated during the ceremony. Parents and students both loved the event and provided excellent response.
Rakhi & Greetings Making Activity - 2023
On the occasion of Rakshabandhan, School held numerous activities such as Rakhi Making for Grade V to VIII and Greetings Making for Grade I to IV. Students from the school took part in the events zealously and enthusiastically.
Celebration Of Raksha Bandhan Day - 2023
By holding an assembly in School celebrated "Raksha Bandhan". The First-grade students performed a motivational prayer, songs, dance, a thought for the day, and other things. An important Hindu holiday known as Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi honors brothers and sisters. Sisters tie a thread around their brother's wrist and offer a prayer for a long and prosperous life on this auspicious day. The caring sister receives a gift from the brother in return. Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen expressed gratitude to the students who participated and inspired them with her wise advice. The teacher also spoke about the subject. Here are some sneak peeks.
Special Assembly 'National Sports Day' - 2023

School celebrated National Sports Day, Birth Anniversary of Magician of Hockey Major Dhyan Chand. Students of Grade VI conducted The Assembly on the occasion. India celebrates National Sports Day on 29th August to commemorate the birth anniversary of hockey legend, Major Dhyan Chand. The day is also dedicated to the nations’ sports heroes and champions, honoring their contribution and dedication towards bringing laurels to the country. Students performed various activities like dance skit, thought of the day, prayer, etc in the assembly. With the aim to spread awareness about the values of sports: discipline, perseverance, sportsmanship and teamwork. The Vice Principal of the school through his speech convinced the parents and students about the importance of sports. Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen advised the students and parents with her Pearls of wisdom to acquire special skills in sports along with technological advancement. She also praised the students of the school for their endeavours in sportsmanship.

Onam Celebration - 2023

School Celebrated Onam by conducting an assembly. Assembly start with lightening of lamp and offering garland to Goddess Saraswati's statue by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande and along with staff. Thought for The Day, Dance, Skit etc were performed by the students of grade 5th. Onam is a harvest festival celebrated in Kerala. It also marks the return of King Mahabali/Maveli in Kerala, They celebrate this festival with great pomp and show their gratitude towards the land for giving a good harvest. Mid Coordinator Ms. Reena Nair Talked about why we celebrate Onam & emphasized the importance of the day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the participating students and motivated the students by her valuable words.

House Competition 'Theme - Young Entrepreneurs' - 2023
School organised ‘YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS’ - HOUSE COMPETITION under the theme ‘Pitch It!’ – The Clash of the Advertisements. All the houses participated in the competition. This event aims to give students the opportunity to place themselves in the core strategy of the business making process that is to promote a product. Students will use their knowledge through research, ideas and creativity to promote a product in the competition. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen inaugurated the event & appreciated the students for their skill of presentation.
Under 14 District level football tournament - 2023
School has qualified for the district level football tournament after winning the under-14 age division in the taluka level competition. The Nanded Gramin Taluka Level Football Tournament was held in Nanded City and was sponsored by Oxford the Global International School. 84 kids from Nanded took part in the competition. Honourable Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Mr. Ajay Pharande congratulated Podarites and wished him good luck in the upcoming football event at the district level.
Nayna Apte Actress visit at PIS Nanded - 2023
An eminent personality, senior actress, a singer, recipient of Padmashree Ms. Nayana Apte who worked in Hindi, Marathi, Gujrati movies and television serials and a poet and director Mr. Pravin Kumar Bharade visited our School today. Our Honourable Principal Dr. Malini Sen felicitated Ms. Nayana Apte, Mr. Pravin Kumar Bharade and the team. They interacted with our 2nd to 5th grade students. The team presented a drama before the students. The students enjoyed the drama to their hearts content. Here are some glimpses.
Special Assembly 'World Entrepreneurs Day' - 2023

"YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS - Discovering the Businessman in You" was the focus of a special assembly held at School on World Entrepreneurs Day. Students in grades V and VI put on a variety of acts, skits, and other performances to highlight the significance of the day. World Entrepreneurs' Day is observed annually on August 21, a day set aside to recognize innovation, entrepreneurship, and leadership empowerment across the globe. Let's celebrate this day by paying tribute to the businesspeople who are creating money and jobs not just in India but also around the world. India has recently risen to prominence as a top country for startups and business owners. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the participating students and motivated the students by her valuable words. Teacher also talked on the topic. Here are few glimpses.

Felicitation Of winner team in the Badminton Taluka Level Matches - 2023
We are honored to inform you that School students participated in the Badminton Taluka Level Matches 2023 held at Guru Gobind Singh Ji Stadium Nanded and brought home victories. Under 17 boys and girls won first place, while under 14 girls took second. Distinguished Principal Dr. Malini Sen presented certificates to the winners and expressed her best wishes for their future pursuits.
Independence Day Celebration - 2023
School celebrated Independence Day "Aazadi ka Amrit Mahotsav" with Zeal & Enthusiasm. Various Performances such as Dance, Songs, Skit etc were performed by the students to depict the importance of the day. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande encouraged students to join the Defence Service & guided them to uphold the values of unity, diversity and progress that our nation stands for. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen distributed certificates to the achievers in various sports games, wished the birthday students & gave some inspirational advice to the students.
Felicitation Of State Merit List students in Secondary Scholarship Examination - 2023
We feel privileged to announce that students of School brought laurels in the State Merit List in Secondary Scholarship Examination. Hemant Gandhe got 6th rank, Vaishnavi Jaulkar got 12th rank and Vaishnavi Kausalye got 20th rank.They were felicitated by Nanded District Collector Mr. Abhijit Raut Nanded, District Guardian Minister Mr. Girish Mahajan and Nanded Zilla Parishad Education Officer Dr. Savita Birge On the occasion of Independence Day at District Collector Office Nanded.
Har Ghar Tiranga campaign - 2023

School is Celebrating a Program "Har Ghar Tiranga" Under the aegis Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav From 13 August to 15 Aug 2023 Initiated by Central & Maharashtra State Government together. ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ is a campaign under the aegis of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to encourage people to bring the Tiranga home and to hoist it to mark the 76th year of India’s independence. Our relationship with the flag has always been more formal and institutional than personal. The idea behind the initiative is to invoke the feeling of patriotism in the hearts of the people and to promote awareness about the Indian National Flag. In our School also, the Flag hoisting program was organized by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. Here are a few glimpses.

2nd CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for the academic session 2023-24
School organized a 2nd CBSE EXPRESSION SERIES for the academic session 2023-24 under the theme G-20 : India's Vision for a Harmonious World. Initiated by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). From Grade III to X Students enthusiastically participate in this competition. By this Competition Students got a chance to present their thoughts, ideas on paper by painting & Essay Writing on various topics. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen motivated the students and wished best luck for the future endeavours.
National Librarians' Day - 2023
School celebrated National Librarians' Day with zeal and Enthusiasm. National Librarians' Day is observed on 9th August every year to commemorate the birth anniversary of Padmashri Dr S. R. Ranganathan (1892-1972), who is considered the Father of Library science in India. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Staff respectfully garlanded the portraits of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan.
Special Assembly 'Kranti Diwas' - 2023

School celebrated "Kranti Diwas" by conducting the Special assembly . Motivational Prayer, Songs, Thought for The Day, etc were performed by the students of grade III. Kranti Diwas is a day observed to remember the historic ‘Quit India Movement’ initiated by Gandhi and Indian National Congress. This day is celebrated by giving national integration Speeches and offering tributes to various freedom fighters, organization of national level programmes apart from various other events. The term ‘Kranti’ stands for ‘Revolution’ and ‘Divas’ stands for ‘Day’, a day for revolution. Senior Coordinator Mr. Jagannath Dhere talked about the freedom fighters & their sacrifices for the Nation. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the participating students and motivated the students by her valuable words.

Organ Donation Awareness Program - 2023
School Organized an Organ Donation Awareness Program Under the National Organ Donation Week 2023 Initiated by Central & State Government together for Grade III To X. Guided By Dr. Pradnya Deshpande ( Asst. Professor GAC, Nanded) & Team. School Gave an opportunity to motivate people to donate organs in order to bridge the existing gap between the number of people in need of organs for transplant and the number of donors. People were encouraged to come forward to pledge for a noble cause and contribute in this national endeavour.
Open House Second Day A.Y. 2023-24
The second day of the School Open House for Grades I - X has been scheduled. Open House is one of the most important occasions for every school. It is a fantastic chance for the teacher and parents to work together on the child's development. An open house is held to assess the student's performance in both academics and extracurricular activities. Knowing and concentrating on the child's performance is advantageous because currently importance in all educational fields is of considerable concern. The distinguished Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen and the Parents had a fruitful session during which she answered their questions. Here are a few glimpses.
Open House & Orientation First Day - 2023

First Day of the Grades III–X Open House & Orientation has been configured at School. One of the crucial events for any school is Open House. It is an excellent opportunity for the instructor and parents to collaborate on the child's improvement. An open house is organized to evaluate the student's academic and extracurricular performance. Knowing and focusing on the child's performance is beneficial as today significance in all the spheres of education is of great concern. The parents and the Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen had a productive conversation during which she resolved their queries.

Investiture Ceremony 2023-2024

The Investiture Ceremony-2023 was enthusiastically and fervently held at school. The school's Student Council received praise and badges. The Chief guest for the ceremony was Mr. Prasad Ponkshe, the honorable general manager of Nanded HUB. Dr. Malini Sen, the distinguished Principal, welcomed the major guest. The Investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested office bearers. Donning the mantle of accountability, they also pledged, led by Mr. Ajay Pharande Vice Principal of PIS Nanded to bestow their duties to the best of their abilities. We believe that the child centric approach will definitely nurture a responsible future citizen.

Annabhau Sathe Birth Anniversary - 2023

School Observes the 103rd Birth Anniversary of a Great Social reformer, folk poet, and writer from Maharashtra, India Tukaram Bhaurao Sathe popularly known as Anna Bhau Sathe was born on 1 August 1920, in Wategaon village Maharashtra's Sangali District , to a family that belonged to the untouchable Matang Cast. This day is celebrated as “Annabhau Sathe Jayanti.” Annabhau Sathe is known as Lok Shaheer in Maharashtra. His writings are influenced by communism, namely the Russian Revolution. Annabhau Sathe was a revolutionary figure who gave a revolutionary slogan “Yeh Azadi Jhooti Hai, Desh Ki Janta Bhooki Hai”: This Freedom Is contradictory, The citizens of the country are hungry. On this Special Day Hon'ble General Manager (Nanded HUB) Mr. Prasad Ponkshe & Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Respectfully Garlanded the portrait of Annabhau Sathe.

Parent Teacher Association Meet 2023-24
School conducted Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meet 2023-24. PTA meetings are being meticulously conducted by our School. PTA Meet is a tripolar process the main aim of which is to build strong relationships between parents, teachers, and the whole school community.
Kargil Vijay Diwas Celebration - 2023

"Kargil Vijay Diwas" was celebrated at School. Grade VII students conducted the Special Assembly and performed patriotic songs, dance, skit, and other performances to honour the soldiers who gave their lives in the line of duty and became martyrs.

Every year, Kargil Vijay Diwas is observed to honour India's victory over Pakistan in the Kargil War in 1999. The day celebrates the courage and sacrifice displayed by Indian soldiers during the bloody conflict. The operation was named as Vijay after the successful victory over Pakistan. The school requested the parents who are Army and police Officers to honour the occasion as chief guests. The Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen and Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande gave a warm welcome to all of the major visitors.

Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen, gave some inspirational advice to the parents, students and teachers. Here are few glimpses.

Girls Welfare Committee Session on Health & Hygiene - 2023

The subject of the Health and Hygiene Session at School was "Tips every girl should know." The Girls Welfare Committee of the school directed the session for classes VI To X. The session was initiated by the honorable principal Dr. Malini Sen, who counseled the pupils on the following topics. The main objectives of the workshop were to:
*Demonstrate the significance of cleanliness and health;
*Plan the health awareness campaign;
*Resolve the issues and concerns of the female students; and
*Importance of eating nutritious food.

Additionally, a lesson on good touch and bad touch was taught to classes I To V.

Parent Orientation Program for Grade IX and X 2023-2024
School held Parent Orientation Program for Grade IX and X students, led by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice - Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande & Senior Co-ordinator Mr. Jagannath Dhere to discuss their academic performance and progress. During this orientation, parents and instructors reviewed many problems concerning students' studies and school strategies. Finally, Hon'ble Principal ma'am addressed the students, encouraging them to be diligent about their academics and to cherish the time they have in their life. The orientation proved to be really beneficial.
Culminating Event 'Marvellous Me' Thematic Unit - 2023
The culminating Event for Grade I students 'Marvellous Me' thematic unit has been organised by School . Together with the leadership group, Honorable Principal Dr. Malini Sen officially inaugurated the event. Since curriculum areas are integrated rather than being taught separately, teaching by themes aids children in making sense of what they are learning. Information is given as a component of a whole rather than as a collection of independent facts in integration, which helps students remember it better.
Jumpstart Activity 'Young Entrepreneurs' - 2023
School Conducted a Jumpstart Activity. The goal of the activity "YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS - Discovering the Businessman in You" is to inspire the students to develop stronger business skills and an awareness of how businesses operate. The kids' interest in this subject grew. Here are some sneak peeks.
Student Council Election Results 2023-2024
Release of the Election Results for Student Council! The results of the student council election for 2023–24 have been announced, which School is happy to share with you. The school council members who were recently elected received congratulations from the honorable principal, Dr. Malini Sen. & expressed her hopes for success in their upcoming endeavor.
Student Council Election 2023-24
School has digitally conducted the Student Council Election 2023-24. The event was inaugurated by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & cast their vote with Staff. The students cast their vote to the representatives. The objective of appointing the Student’ Council is to provide a platform to the students to develop leadership qualities by organizing and carrying out school activities and service projects. In addition to planning events that contribute to school spirit and community welfare, the Student’ Council is the voice of the student body. They help the students to share ideas, interests and concerns with the school wide community.
Special Assembly 'Guru Purnima' - 2023

School celebrated Guru Purnima with zeal and enthusiasm by conducting a Special Assembly. Students of Grade VIII conducted the assembly. The assembly emphasized on the significance of Guru and what it takes to be a teacher. Guru Purnima is the day to commemorate the importance of Guru (teacher) in human life. Guru is worshipped on this special day According to the Hindu calendar, this day falls on Purnima Tithi (full moon day) in the month. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen wished to parents, teachers & Students happy Guru Purnima. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Phrande also guided students about the importance of Guru in students life, he focused on values that are given by our Guru and advised students to nurture values throughout life. HeadMistress Mrs. Nainjeet kaur Dhillon also guided for the same. Grade VIII student Tanishk Dinesh Dhoot offered plants to the teacher as a token of love and respect on this special day.

Expert Speak: Interview a Technologist - 2023
School organised "Expert Speak: Interview a Technologist" an ‘Experiences’ for the students which connect them to the outside world. Students from various classes talked with Mr. Muzzafar Pathan IT Manager & Miss. Nisha Kawale Computer Teacher. They shared their experiences with the students through face-to-face interactions. Its awaken professionalism among students and curiosity about emerging technology. Fruitful interactions was done with students and they knew about todays updated technology like robotic technology, Artificial intelligence technology etc & the students will receive a widened, practical view of how what they are learning connects with real-life situations.
Transport Committee Meeting - 2023
School Conducted Transport Committee Meeting 2023-24. Various Officers from Regional Transport Department, Education Department, Police Department along with the Parents and School Staff were present for the Meeting. Various Points were discussed in the meeting and Suggestion/Guidance were offered by the present members.
Culminating Event 'Tech-O-Mania' - 2023
School Organised a Culminating event - 'TECH-O-MANIA' under The Theme 'TECH-IT-UP' - A World of Gadgets and Gizmos. The event was organized by students of grade I to VIII and staff collectively. This event aims at providing opportunities to the students to showcased their learning and experience which they have had during the course of the module. It also helped students to become technocrats in 21st century, they also come to know use of technology in day today life. The event was inaugurated by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande. The parents and the students enjoyed the event and gave valuable feedback respectively.
Ashadhi Ekadashi Celebration - 2023

School celebrated Ashadhi Ekadashi with zeal & enthusiasm. Students of Grade I Performed Special Assembly on the occasion & performed various activities like Skit, Speech and many more to depict the importance of the day. The assembly depicted the culture of Maharashtra and the importance of the day. Ashadhi Ekadashi is one of the most important religious festivals of Maharashtra. This ceremony is generally held at Pandharpur where a huge number of devotees gather to celebrate the festival. It is a religious procession festival which is held every year during the Aashaadh Shukla paksha. And also celebrate Eid Al Adha Festival As per the Islamic calendar, Dhul Hijjah is the 12th and the last month and most of the Muslim people perform Hajj during this month. Eid Al Adha occurs on the 10th day of Dhul Hijjah and people celebrate this with great joy and enthusiasm. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande respectfully garlanded the statue of Goddess Sarsvati & vitthal - rukmini. Teacher also Talked on the importance of Eid Al Adha festival. Hon'ble Principal & Vice Principal wishing the students & parents Ashadhi Ekadashi as well as the Eid Al Adha festival.

International Olympic Day - 2023
School Celebrated International Olympic Day. students of 5th Standard conducted a special assembly on the occasion. Olympic Day is a celebration of sport, health, and being together. It invites everyone around the globe to be active and move together with purpose on 23 June every year. The theme for this year's International Olympic Day is 'Let's Move', which attempts to motivate individuals across the world to include everyday physical activity in their schedules. School Principal Hon'ble Dr. Malini Sen motivated the students & appreciated their efforts. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande also encouraged the students as well as parents to do Exercise or physical activity on Daily basis & guided for the same. Sports Teacher also emphasized on the importance of sports in students life.
World Music Day Celebration - 2023

"Music is the essence of all life. It is the way that we communicate with ourselves, with each other, and with the divine."

School celebrated World Music Day with zeal & Enthusiasm. On the Occasion Of World Music Day School Organised A live Concert of Sangeet Mehfil with famous Veena Player Mr. Atul Deshpande who has consecutively achieved three gold medals in the field of music and established Shruti Sangeet Vidyalay and he did many more remarkable things in the field of music. Ms. Sawni Joshi Violin player joined with Mr. Atul Deshpande. She recently got AIR 1 rank Visharad in an exam held by Akhil Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidyalaya Mandal Mumbai. Mr. Gangadhar Billalikar Tabla Player who also played a major role in this beautiful musical concert. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen welcomed the chief guest. Concert start with lightening of lamp and offering garland to Goddess Saraswati's statue by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen with Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande, Admin Officer Mr. Haridas Reddy, Asst. Admin Officer Mr. Govindsai Makwana, Sr. Coordinator Mr. Jagannath Dhere, Mid. Coordinator Ms. Reena Nair, Prim. Coordinator Ms. Meenakshi Iyer & Chief Guest. Students also enjoyed the concert. Here are some glimpses.

International Yoga Day Celebration - 2023
School celebrated the 9th International Yoga Day in the school premises. Every year International Yoga Day is celebrated on June 21 worldwide. It serves as a platform to raise awareness about the numerous benefits of yoga and promote its holistic approach to physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Students of VIII Standard enthusiastically participated in the session & teachers also participated in this and demonstrated Yogasana with the students. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen encouraged students to do Daily practice of yoga & guided them for the same.
Special Assembly on National Reading Day - 2023

School Conducted a Special Assembly on National Reading Day. National Reading Day is an occasion celebrated to honor the initiation of the library movement by P.N. Panicker or Puthuvayil Narayana Panicker. He pioneered the establishment of the first Library in Kerala, and this marked the advent of the literacy movement in India.

National Reading Day is observed on 19 June to remind people about the value of reading books even in an era dominated by the internet. 5th Standard Students performed various songs, skits, Reading Pledge, etc through which they depicted the importance of the day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen encouraged students to build reading habits and guided them for the same by her valuable words. Teacher also talked on the topic.

Online Webinar for standard IX & X - 2023
School conducted an Online Webinar on the 3C's of career journey for standard IX & X students. This webinar was planned towards the career goals for standard IX & X students. This Webinar has been focused on the selection of skills subjects, optional subjects to match the interest in students by using scientific tools & alumni guidance for future entrepreneurs. Students gathered more information and aware about future planning.
Special Assembly on Father's Day - 2023
School conducted a Special Assembly on Father's Day with zeal & enthusiasm. Grade VI Students Performed Various Dances, Songs, Skits etc and depicted the importance of the day. Every year in India Father's Day is celebrated to honor fathers in our lives and the sacrifices they make to raise us. It also celebrates paternal bonds and fatherhood. It is observed on the third Sunday of June. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen addressed students to respect Parents & motivated them for the same. Teacher also talked on the topic.
House Competition 'Tech Revolution 2050' - 2023

School Organised A House Competition -'Tech Revolution 2050’ – In which every House prepared a Magazine with the collection of Innovative Technological Ideas for the future. Every year we come across innumerable predictions and ideas about new developments in technology. Learning through research and imagining the future of technology by students. The goal of this competition was to equip students with emerging technology in the 21st century and in future. It will prompt the students to look for and become aware of predictions about the future in various fields like artificial intelligence, communication & computing. They collected various articles, pictures, expert talks and other resources, analysed current predictions, and considered them in the context of modern-day life. This would be compiled further in a collaborative manner to understand more about the data collected in depth.

These activities of collecting different write-ups and pictures will encourage students to research about scientific and technological developments in India and around the world. Standard 1st to 8th students from all the houses participated in the competition. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen inaugurated the event & Appreciated the student's effort.

National Technology Day - 2023
School conducted a special assembly on the National Technology Day under the theme Tech-It -Up! – A World of Gadgets and Gizmos and to think about the technology we use for our day to day activities. National Technology Day was first observed on 11th May, 1999, it aims to honour the accomplishments of Indian scientists, physicists, researchers, technologists and many others working in the areas of science & technology. This day is to educate Indians of the country’s technical achievements. The focus this year is ‘Integrated Approach in Science & Technology for a Sustainable Future’. Students of Standard 9th performed Skits, Act, Quiz etc and depicted the importance of the day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen motivated the students by her valuable words. Here are some Glimpses.
First day in School After Summer Vacation - 2023
School Glad to Announce that School has Reopened after a Long Summer Vacation. On the first day of school, students enthusiastically participated in all classroom activities and enjoyed the first day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Interacted with the students and took follow up regarding studies and gave a familiar touch to students. The students enjoyed the interaction with the Principal.
School Re-opening For Grade I to VIII 2023-2024
School started the academic session 2023-24 For Std. 1st to 8th with a blast. Students were welcomed by the Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & school staff with lots of joy. On the first day students were involved in various activities for the whole day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen addressed the students virtually as well as physically. The Hon'ble Principal encouraged the students & guided for the same.
Soft Skill Training Session - 2023
School Conducted a Soft Skill Training Session For The Teacher's By Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & guided for the same. “Soft skills” refer to non-technical abilities that include communication, leadership, Public Speaking, Interpersonal Skill, Stress Management, Time Management, Decision Making, Conflict Management, teamwork, self-awareness and emotional intelligence. These are essential soft skills for the teachers. They are vital for teachers to succeed.
Value Education and Life Skills training for Educators - 2023
School conducted a series of training programs for the educators. Session Started with the address of Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. Training on Value Education conducted by Ms. Anita Bhalerao and Ms. Kirti Birajdar as well as Life Skills training conducted by Mr. Gurudeep Goramnagar effectively. Such training helps educators to develop and cope up with new modern methods of teaching. It also helps to acquaint yourself with new skills.
National Education Policy - 2020 Training Program for Teachers - 2023
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X. School conducted a Training Program for the educators. A training session on "National Education Policy - 2020 " was conducted by Hon. Principal Dr. Malini Sen, stating the features of NEP 2020. The session focused on the difference between Competency Based Learning and Traditional Learning.
Reopening Day of School AY 2023-24
Grade IX & X students of School Nanded have been welcomed by Honourable Principal Dr.Malini Sen & Vice - Principal Ajay Pharande with great zeal and enthusiasm on the Re-opening Day of School. The principal Madam guided all the students and wished them for their growth in future endeavors.
World Environment Day - 2023
School celebrated World Environment Day with zeal and Enthusiasm. World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 every year to remind people to save nature and the earth by stopping their non-environmentally friendly activities. In 1973, it became a platform for raising awareness on environmental issues such as marine pollution, overpopulation, global warming, sustainable development and wildlife crime. World Environment Day is a global platform for public outreach, with participation from over 143 countries annually. Hon'ble Principal Dr Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande with staff successfully conducted a plantation Programme in School premises as well as @Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Airport, Nanded where school has developed a garden in the specific area provided by airport authorities. Here are some glimpses.
Mental Health, National Education Policy and Orientation of loop Learning - 2023
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” —Malcolm X. School conducted a Training Program for the educators. A training session on "National Education Policy" Was conducted by Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen, stating the features of NEP 2020.The session focused on the difference between Competency Based Learning and Traditional Learning.
POSH & Strengthening Evaluation and Assessment Training for teacher - 2023
School conducted a Training Program for the educators. Session Started with the address of Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. POSH Training is conducted by Mr. Raheem Bagban & Strengthening Evaluation and Assessment Practice training by Mr. Jagannath Dhere effectively. These kinds of Sessions are helpful to get aware of the POSH Act. This helps women to come out and report about any type of sexual harassment at the work place. The important purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve students' learning. Assessment and evaluations are important tools for designing curriculum and instructional approaches as per the needs of students.
Training Program for the educators - 2023
School conducted a Training Program for the educators. Session Started with the address of Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. Classroom Management Training is conducted by Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande & Competency Based Education training by Ms. Reena Nair effectively. Teachers participated enthusiastically and that will bring fruitful results. These kinds of Sessions are helpful to enhance Classroom Management Skills & competency based education allows students to progress new skills. Here are some glimpses.
Maharashtra Day, Principal Day and Labour Day - 2023
School celebrated Maharashtra Day with zeal and enthusiasm. Maharashtra Day commemorates the formation of the state in 1960. On 1 May 1960, the Bombay Reorganisation Act came into effect, creating Maharashtra, following many protests and demonstrations in support of the new state. we Also Celebrated Principal Day and Labour Day. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen wished Maharashtra Day and Labour Day to the whole staff expressing her views regarding the importance of teamwork and Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande wished Principal Ma'am 'Happy Principal Day' by offering the bouquet on behalf of the whole staff. On this occasion, Admin Officer Venkat Haridas Reddy received a certificate as a token of love for his dedication to the organisation by Principal Ma'am. Here are some glimpses.
Pre Summer Vacation Welfare Meet - 2023
School Conducted pre Summer Vacation Welfare Meet for grade IX & X. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen wished all students a happy summer vacation & guided them how to use optimum time in summer vacation as well as how to stay connected with academics too & Motivated them by her valuable words. Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande also guided for the same & gave instructions to improve handwriting as well as take care of their health in summer heat.
Mock Fire Drill For Students and Staff - 2023
School organized the Mock Fire Drill for Grade IX & X students, Teaching staff, House keeping staff and Transportation staff. The purpose of the program was how they should behave in case of fire and how they can find their way out from the scene of disaster is the fundamental purpose of the fire drill. It gives an opportunity to control the chaos and manage the situation until help arrives. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande guided for the same. Admin Officer Mr. Venkat Haridas Reddy & Assistant Admin officer Mr. Govindsai Makwana demonstrated & guided them how to use Fire Extinguisher.
Children Sports Festival - 2023
School conducted the 'Children Sports Festival ' for grade X students as the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt of India is Celebrating Children Sport Festival under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav in the month of April. The sport events conducted were both Outdoor games such as Football, badminton basketball and indoor games such as chess and carrom. Most of the students participated in the above mentioned sports festival and enjoyed the festival to their hearts content. The festival was inaugurated by the Honourable Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice - Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande & Coordinators. The sport faculties toiled and moiled to make this festival successful.
Eid Celebration - 2023
School celebrated Eid-Ul-Fitr with great pomp and zeal. The special assembly was conducted by Gr.III students enthusiastically. The students presented skit and depicted not only the importance of 'Fasting' but also the significance of Zakaat and Sadqa. The students wished Eid Mubarak through dance. The School Principal Dr. Malini Sen also wished Happy Eid to all the stakeholders of Podar Family through her address.
Jumpstart Activity under The theme of ‘TECH-IT-UP!' - 2023
School conducted Jumpstart Activity under The theme of ‘TECH-IT-UP!: A World of Gadgets and Gizmos’ focuses on making the students more aware of the technology we use every day and encouraging them to appreciate how it influences our lives. Grade I to VIII Students Participate enthusiastically & perform the Activity.
Jumpstart Activity 'Grade 1' - 2023
School Conducted Jumpstart Activity Under the theme "Thematic Unit - Marvellous Me" by grade I students with full enthusiasm.
Celebration of 132 Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar & Baisakhi - 2023

School conducted a special assembly on the occasion of the 132 Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar & Baisakhi, a religious Festival celebrated together with zeal & enthusiasm.

Ambedkar Jayanti or Bhim Jayanti is observed on 14th April to commemorate the memory of B. R. Ambedkar, Indian politician and social reformer. It marks Ambedkar's birthday who was born on 14 April 1891. His birthday is also referred to as 'Equality Day'. And also Baisakhi is a religious festival as well as a harvest celebration for the Sikh community. Guru Gobind Singh founded the Khalsa, or "pure" Sikh community, on March 30, 1699. He reportedly abolished the distinction between groups belonging to upper and lower castes and proclaimed that all people are created equal. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Vice Principal Mr. Ajay Pharande respectfully garlanded the portrait of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. Students performed various activities like dance, speech and many more to depict the importance of the day. Hon'ble Principal wishing the students & parents Birth Anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar as well as the baisakhi festival Through her speech.

Rally by Zilla Parishad Nanded - 2023
School Students enthusiastically participated in a rally initiated by Zilla Parishad Nanded on the occasion of 196th birth anniversary of Mahatma Jyotirao Govindrao Phule to public Awareness. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Hon'ble General Manager (Nanded HUB) Mr. Prasad Ponkshe appreciated the participating students.
Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule - 2023
School celebrates the 196th Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Jyotirao Govindrao Phule. He was born on April 11, 1827, in the Satara district, Maharashtra. He was an anti-caste activist, writer, thinker, and social reformer. Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jayanti is celebrated annually to honour his efforts and contributions in fostering social change. Hon'ble General Manager (Nanded HUB) Mr. Prasad Ponkshe & Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Respectfully Garlanded the portrait of Mahatma Jyotiba Phule.
Cyber Safety Awareness Programme 2023
School Conducted Cyber Safety Awareness Programme For The Students initiated by Police Sub-Inspector Prakash Thorve & Team ( Cyber Cell Nanded). Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Felicitated Police Sub-Inspector Prakash Thorve & Team. The team presented the protocol of cyber safety through an outstanding role play. Here are some glimpses.
School started New academic session 2023-24
School started New academic session 2023-24 enthusiastically. Students were welcomed by the school staff with lots of joy. On the first day students were euphorically greeted by the Honourable Principal Dr. Malini Sen, Vice Principal, and Leadership Team. Students were welcomed in their respective classes by offering welcome greeting cards by the class teacher. Students were motivated, enlightened, and guided for the forthcoming plans. Various activities were conducted. Thus, it was a fun day overall today.
4th Open House for Grade III to IX A.Y. 2022-23
School conducted 4th Open House for Grade III to IX A.Y. 2022-23. Teachers discussed the performances of the students. Here are some glimpses.
Daffodil Lane Books Fair - 2023
School has organised Daffodil Lane Books Fair for Grade I & II Students & Parents. This book fair is an opportunity for children to purchase books and for parents to inculcate an early habit of reading. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen guided the parents for the same. Here are some glimpses
4th Open House For Grade I & II - 2023
School conducted 4th Open house for Grade I & II A.Y. 2022-23. Teachers discussed the performances of the students.
Educational Trip at Kandhar Fort - 2023
Educational Trip for Grade IV to IX at Kandhar Fort Dist Nanded 2023. School organised Educational Trip for Grade IV to IX at Kandhar Fort Dist Nanded. Going on an Educational trip enhances their critical thinking skills and gives students a chance to think about a topic or theme from a different perspective. Several children don't get to experience the typical field trip locations with their families. A school trip gives students the chance to experience new venues. Here are some glimpses.
Women's Day Celebration - 2023

W- wonderful wife
O- outstanding friend
M- marvelous daughter
A- adorable sister
N- nurturing mother

School celebrated Women's Day with lots of thrill and excitement. Students performed various activities like dance, speech and many more to signify the existence and importance of women in our lives.

Holi Celebrations 'Assembly' - 2023
Wishing you a Holi filled with happiness and love! May the colours of Holi bring joy and prosperity to your life! May your life be as colourful as the colours of Holi. SCHOOL Celebrated Holi festival with Grade Ist A students. Holi, also known as the Festival of Colours, Festival of Spring and Festival of Love, is one of the most popular and significant festivals in all India. As it commemorates the victory of God Vishnu as Narasimha Narayana over Hiranyakashipu. Students performed skits, dance ,song and speech through the assembly. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Holi wishes good health, wealth and prosperity to students and staff as well as Loving parents of our school.
Parivartan Drive 'Eco warriors - A Sustainable you and I' - 2023
Today School has organised 'PARIVARTAN DRIVE', an initiative taken by the students. The theme for the year revolves around clothing and its impact on the environment. The drive will urge the students to Rethink Before Purchasing Clothes because buying too many clothes can cause a detrimental cost to the environment. The students participated in various activities and will act as agents of change. The students interacted with the people in and around their school localities. They created awareness in the form of walkathons, reused products, and most importantly shared the message through the medium of Social Media, placards and banners. The school has initiated the campaign to make People aware why it is important to rethink before buying clothes. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the participant students and talked about fast Fashion and the need to adopt sustainable clothing as well as the importance of recycling clothes to reduce waste and to save the environment.
National Science Day - 2023
School conducted a Special Assembly on " National Science Day". India celebrates National Science Day on February 28 every year to mark the contributions of scientists towards the development of the country. On this day, in 1928, Indian Physicists Sir CV Raman made an important discovery in the field of spectroscopy, which was later named after him - the Raman Effect. For his discovery, Sir C.V. Raman was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. Grade I to IX Students Shows Various experiments & Performed prayer, pledge, and dance etc. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen motivated the students by her valuable words. Here are some glimpses.
Marathi Official Language Day 'Special Assembly' - 2023
School Conducted Special Assembly on Marathi Official Language Day. It is celebrated annually on February 27 to honour the Birth Anniversary of famous Marathi poet Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar, who was popularly known as 'Kusumagraj'. Shirwadkar was an eminent Marathi poet, playwright, novelist, short story writer, and humanist. Motivational Prayer, Thought for The Day, Songs, etc. Based on The Theme were Performed by the students of grade VII. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen respectfully garlanded the portraits of Vishnu Vaman Shirwadkar & motivated the students by her valuable words
Transport Committee Meeting - 2023
School Conducted Second Transport Committee Meeting A.Y.2022-23. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen & Various Officers from Regional Transport Department, Education Department, Police Department along with the Parents and School Admin Staff were present for the Meeting. Various Points were discussed in the meeting and Suggestion/Guidance were offered by the present members.
Culminating event of Thematic Learning 'Weather Watchers' - 2023
School has organised the culminating event of Thematic Event under the topic Weather watchers. The module has been designed for the students to know about the weather and changes in weather. The module creates interest in students by correlating with other subjects. In this event Grade I Students Participated enthusiastically. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the students for their performances.
House Competition 'The Little Charitable Flea Market' - 2023

School has organised a House Competition under the theme – ‘Pleat by Pleat : Traversing the World of Sustainable Fabrics'. The module has been designed for the students to know about the different fabrics around us. The module aims to encourage and support Indian artisans and Indian handlooms. It also aims to make students aware about the impacts of fashion and how it is causing harm to the environment. The module will encourage students to think – reuse, re-wear and upcycle clothes/fabrics and wear more local and sustainable clothing. This house competition will be giving students an opportunity to creatively upcycle clothing items, reuse old clothes and recycle fabric to create something out of it. Basically putting old clothes and fabrics to good use. In this House Competition Grade III to VIII Students Participated with their respective House Masters. Students performed enthusiastically. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the students for their performances.

Fashion Fiesta 'Thematic Unit Clothes Grade II' - 2023
School has organised the culminating event of Thematic Event under the topic Clothes The module has been designed for the students to know about the different fabrics around us. The module aims to encourage and support different kinds of fabrics. In this event Grade II Students Participated enthusiastically. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the students.
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti - 2023

(Meaning - The glory of this Mudra of Shahaji’s son Shivaji will grow like the first day moon. It will be worshiped by the world & it will shine only for the well being of people.)

School has conducted a Special Assembly On "Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti" i.e. celebrated on February 19 every year to honour the contributions of the great warrior king in reviving the Maratha Empire and to pay tribute to his rich legacy. The first Chhatrapati and the great Maratha warrior was born in Pune's Shivaneri Fort in 1630. Mainly the state of Maharashtra celebrates the birth anniversary of its one of the bravest and wise monarchs of India. Grade V & IX Students presented songs, thoughts etc through the assembly. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen appreciated the students for their performances. Here are some glimpses.

Farewell Ceremony Grade X 2022-2023
Farewell ceremony was organized at School with heavy heart. The Program was hosted by grade IX students. They performed skits, dances and grade X students expressed their experiences of the decade. The program was full of fun & excitement. The teachers guided the students of grade X about the importance of school life to shape the future. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen bestowed all the good wishes and success for stepping into a new phase of their life. Here are some glimpses.
Open House session of Pre-board-2 Exam - Grade X 2022-2023
School conducted the Grade - X Open- House session for parents of Pre-board -2 exam to have interaction with their wards about their progress. It helped the parents to discuss candidly with all the teachers about their doubts and queries. During the session honourable principal Dr. Malini Sen mam resolved the doubts and queries of the parents. By the end of the day, the session was fruitful as many parents attended the session and gave positive feedback.
Annual Day Celebration 'Grade V to IX' 2022-2023

The most awaited program for all Students and Parents..!!

School celebrated the 11th Annual Function with zeal and enthusiasm. The Annual Day theme for Grade V to IX was “VEER GATHA". The function included dance as well as skits. The students won the hearts of all the stakeholders by displaying various colors of art. General Manager (Nanded HUB) Mr. Manoj Kaley was the chief guest of the function. The school authorities were quite elated by the number of guests who turned up to witness the function. Thus it proved that an annual function is not just an event but a priceless moment. Here are some glimpses.

Annual Day Celebration 'Grade I to IV' 2022-2023

The most awaited program for all Students and Parents..!!

School celebrated 11th Annual Function with zeal and enthusiasm.

The Annual Day theme for Grade I - IV was “Nritya Tarang". The function included danc as well as skits.

The students won the hearts of all the stakeholders by displaying various colors of art. Principal of Podar International School Parbhani Mr. Sudarshan Khange, Principal of Podar International School Hingoli Mr. Vinay Upadhyay and Adl. Superintendent of Police Dr. Vijay Kabade were the chief guests of the function. The school authorities were quite elated by the number of guests who turned up to witness the function. Thus it proved that an annual function is not just an event but a priceless moment. Here are some glimpses.

Annual Day Celebration 'Run Through Day 3' 2022-2023
School is preparing for its 11th Annual Day With Zeal & Enthusiasm Day 3. Here are some glimpses.
Annual Day Celebration 'Run Through Day 2' 2022-2023
School is preparing for its 11th Annual Day With Zeal & Enthusiasm Day 2. Here are some glimpses.
Annual Day Celebration 'Run Through Day 1' 2022-2023
School is preparing for its 11th Annual Day. The blooming stars of Podar are getting ready for their vibrant performances as their teachers are putting tireless efforts in imparting sufficient training to them. Get ready for 3rd & 4th Feb 2023! Here are some glimpses.
Pariksha Pe Charcha - 2023
School arranged a live stream Session in the respective classes for students on the occasion of Pariksha Pe Charcha 2023 where our Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has shared an interesting repository of mantras and Activities on Pariksha Pe Charcha that will help exam stress and also help celebrate exams. Here are some glimpses.
Express Yourself Activity 'Pleat by Pleat' 2023
School conducted "Express Yourself" for Grades 1 to 8 Under the theme ‘PLEAT BY PLEAT’ – Traversing the World of Sustainable Fabrics aims to give our students an opportunity to discover the different kinds of Fabric they are surrounded by. The students will notice the different objects that are made up of fabric around them. They will understand how a fabric gets its shape, colour, pattern, design and so on. The students will get hands-on experience in printing and colouring the fabric. Here are some glimpses.
Vasant Panchami - 2023
School Celebrated Vasant Panchami with zeal & enthusiasm, Basant Panchami will be observed in India this year on January 26, 2023, a Thursday. One of the most significant Hindu holidays, Vasant Panchami heralds the arrival of the “Vasant,” or spring season. Goddess Saraswati is the focus of worship on Vasant Panchami. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Respectfully Garland The Goddess Saraswati's Statue. Here are some Glimpses.
Republic Day Celebration - 2023
School celebrated India's 74th Republic Day with zeal and enthusiasm. On January 26, 1950, the Indian Constitution was formally adopted, and that event is commemorated on Republic Day. The National Flag was hoisted by Honourable Principal ma'am proudly. The various Performances such as Dance, Songs, Skits etc were performed by The Students. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen motivated the students with her valuable words.
Special Assembly '23 Jan 2023 Subhash Chandra Bose Birth Anniversary' - 2023

School Conducted A Special Assembly On The 126th Birth Anniversary Of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. A great leader and an inspiring nationalist with defiant patriotism for the country, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose led the Indian National Army to form alliances against the British during World War II. Bose authored the book 'The Indian Struggle' which covers the Indian independence movement from 1920 to 1942. The book was banned by the British government. He coined the term 'Jai Hind'. His charisma and powerful personality inspired many people into the freedom struggle and continues to inspire Indians. Motivational Prayer, Songs, Thought for The Day & Skit Based on The Theme were Performed by the students of grade IX. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen Respectfully Garlanded the portrait of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose & motivated the students by her valuable words.

Open House for Grade X - Pre-board 1 - 2023
School conducted an Open House for Grade X - Pre-board 1. The main purpose of the meeting was to create a common platform, where teacher and parents come together to enrich the student’s educational experiences and to discuss the Individualized Education Program. It was a great interaction between the teachers and the parents. The Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen had a fruitful interaction with the parents and cleared their queries. The Open House came to an end with the conclusion that the performance of the students depends on the joint effort of parents and teachers.
Veer Bal Diwas - Activity 2022-2023
School conducted Some activities in honour of "Veer Bal Diwas" which is organised by CBSE. We conducted this activity for creating awareness about the sacrifice of Sahibzade among the students. Here are some glimpses.
Veer Bal Diwas 'Special Assembly' 2022-2023
School Conducted A Special Assembly On "Veer Bal Diwas" to pay homage to the great valour and supreme sacrifice of Sahibzada Zorawar Singh ji and Sahibzada Fateh Singh ji, the younger sons of the tenth Guru of Sikhs, Guru Gobind Singh ji, at the tender age of 9 and 7 years respectively, in their quest for justice. Grade VI Students presented song, thought etc through the assembly. Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen guided about the theme to acquire the qualities of sacrifice, courage, steadfastness, confidence, mindfulness, and others as exhibited by the Sahibzadas and appreciated the students for their performances. Here are some glimpses.
Lab Activity - 2023
School organized a Guidance Programme for the Students who qualified for the Second Level of Homi Bhabha examination The skilled Science Teachers guided them about the pattern of next level exam & how to tackle this level with confidence. Here are some glimpses.
Donation Drive Campaign - 2023
School Organised Donation Drive Campaign Under The Guidance Of Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. The children of class 1 to 5 donated items that are useful in daily life i.e. soap, Biscuit, Detergent Powder, Coconut Oil etc. Students of 6th and 7th standard donated rice. 8th, 9th and 10th standard students donated Pulses, Wheat and donated to the students of R.R. Malpani Mentally challenged Vidyalaya as well as Matoshree Vruddhashram and Neh Citizen Home Asola, Parbhani by Our Hon'ble Principal Dr. Malini Sen. All the students of the school participated enthusiastically in this activity and contributed to this social work. School is a replica of society. Just as the school gives direction to the society, it also contributes significantly in changing the condition of the society. Such activities are motivating and guiding to liquidate the social sensibilities and social consciousness of the students.
First Aid Training for Transportation Staff - 2023
School conducted First Aid Training for Transportation Staff. First aid skills are simple and easy and could make all the difference when correctly applied.

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Frequently Asked Questions

As one of the top leading CBSE schools in Nanded, Podar International School is regarded as the best-in-class CBSE board school in Nanded that instructs its students in the English language. Offering an excellent curriculum taught using global modules and modern technologies, Podar CBSE School in Nanded is one of the best English medium schools in Nanded, Maharashtra!

Offering an end-to-end schooling system right from pre-school to secondary high school education, Podar CBSE school in Nanded is renowned as one of the best schools in the region for students pursuing globalized education in 11th and 12th classes. With a comprehensive curriculum, professional sports and extracurricular development, and step-by-step guidance through the years, we at Podar International school in Nanded shape and ready our students to face all challenges of tomorrow!

You can find a detailed fee structure for Podar International CBSE school in Nanded on our website.

Ranking as one of the top leading CBSE schools in Nanded, the infrastructure of our Podar International school has been carefully designed as per ergonomic principles for utmost comfort. Our infrastructure boasts spacious and well-ventilated classrooms, innovative labs, a fully-equipped medical center, well-stocked libraries, vast playgrounds, and extra-curricular activity rooms. Have a look at the infrastructure of our Podar International CBSE school in Nanded on our website!

Here is a list of required documents for securing admission to our Podar International CBSE school in Nanded:
  • Student’s Birth Certificate.
  • Student’s Aadhaar Card.
  • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
  • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
  • Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
  • Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
  • Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
  • Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
  • Passport size photograph of the student.
  • Caste Certificate (if applicable).
Check out our Admissions page on the Podar Nanded CBSE school website to learn all the details for the online and offline admission process.

To check our transfer process and get transfer certificates, visit our Podar International School website to check the transfer process and transfer certificates for our best CBSE school in Nanded.

Prioritizing the health, safety, and protection of our students at Podar International School, we are one of the top CBSE schools in Nanded that offers to and fro transportation for children in our Podar buses. With each bus being installed with CCTV cameras and having trained attendants, your child is supervised throughout their journey. Learn more about the bus transport facility at Podar on our website.

The minimal age limit for admission in Nursery at Podar CBSE school in Nanded requires the student to be a minimum of 2 years, completed latest by 31st December 2023. Find the detailed age norms for the eligibility criteria for specific standards of Podar CBSE board school in Nanded on the Admissions page of our international school website.

Podar International Schools across India stand as a pioneer in holistic schooling as they offer not only an excellent academic curriculum but also encourage children to pursue various sports & hobbies. Offering a variety of traditional & new age sports and a myriad of extracurricular activities for children to hone their skills, here are the extracurricular activities that our CBSE school in Nanded offers its students:
  • Theatre
  • Indian and Western Dance
  • Classical and International Music
  • Public Speaking and Debating
  • Computer Animation

There are two simple ways you can seek admission for your child at Podar CBSE school in Nanded - Online & Offline visit.
Online Admission Process:
  1. Complete the online application form.
  2. The following documents are to be uploaded while filling the online application form:
    • Student’s Birth Certificate.
    • Student’s Aadhaar Card.
    • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
    • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
    • Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
    • Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
    • Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Passport size photograph of the student.
    • Caste Certificate (if applicable).
  3. After submitting the online application form, if there are seats available in the standard that you have applied in, an email with a payment link for the first term fees will be sent to you. Parents are requested to make the necessary payment online.
Offline Admission Process:
  1. Complete the application form either online or collect the form from the school.
  2. Please submit the completed application form along with following documents at the School Office:
    • Photocopy of Student’s Birth Certificate.
    • Photocopy of Student’s Aadhaar Card.
    • School Leaving Certificate (can be submitted later if currently not available) (Std 2 onwards).
    • UDISE Number (Unified District Information System for Education) from current school (Std 2 onwards).
    • Photocopy of Student's previous/current class Report Card (Std 2 onwards).
    • Photocopy of Address proof (any one) : a) Ration Card. b) Electricity Bill c) Passport d) Aadhar Card.
    • Photocopy of Aadhar card of any one parent/guardian.
    • Photocopy of Pan Card of any one parent/guardian.
    • 3 Passport size photographs of the student.
    • Caste Certificate (if applicable).
  3. Please submit a Cheque with the first term fees to the School Office. All payments at the School are to be made by Cheque. Please mention the name of your ward, and contact number on the rear side of the Cheque. Fees once paid will be strictly non-refundable.

To learn more details about the admission process and confirmation, please visit the Admissions page on the Podar Nanded CBSE School website.