Every child has the inborn right to the psychological and intellectual personal growth which is needed for a life of health and human dignity. Today there is urgent need for positive social change and we must create a better world for the children so, at Podar International School, Bhavnagar. We, as a well trained team enable our students to study one or more specialized areas of interest at a deeper level. We also develop character, ethical, Constitutional values, intellectual curiosity, scientific temper, creativity, spirit of service towards the humanity.

We at Podar International School, Bhavnagar inculcate the twenty-first century capabilities across a range of disciplines including sciences, social sciences, arts, humanities, languages, as well as professional, technical, and vocational subjects.

Through quality education we enable our students with personal accomplishment and enlightenment, constructive public engagement, and productive contribution to the society.

We aim to provide an educational experience that assimilates a global perspective developed through the challenging program of CBSE.. We make our children demonstrate excellent academic progress and achievement.

They are also made aware of the many important qualities of integrity, leadership, adaptability, resilience, and true compassion for others and to grow as well grounded and accepting individuals. Additionally, our children are also encouraged to be active caretakers of the environment.

The campus of Podar International School is fully equipped with excellent infrastructure , the teaching and admin team aims to have a profoundly positive impact on the lives and personality of our students. We as a team are focused on learning-centered school that is consistently moving forward in preparing children to be successful as modern global citizens.

Podar team believe in the quotes by Dr Abdul Kalam on Education,

  • The best brains of the nation may be found on the last benches of the classroom.
  • All of us do not have equal talent.
  • Excellence happens not by accident.
  • The purpose of education is to make good human beings with skill and expertise.

Education is not a learning of facts, but training of mind to think - By Albert Einstein.

Bindu E.S.
Principal, Podar International School - Bhavnagar

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