Dear Parents,

It is with great pride that I welcome you to Podar International School (PIS), Sangli. Today the role of a school is not only to impart knowledge that encompasses the prescribed syllabi of the institution but that of the world beyond the class room. It is the role of the school to build and strengthen character that will not crumble when tested in the crucible of adult hood and to develop qualities of good leadership that can be employed in the future for the creation of a superior nation. There is an old Chinese adage "When planning for a year, plant corn, when planning for a decade; plant trees; when planning for life educate people." Following this proverb in a true sense Podar International Schools have been doing a wonderful job of imparting quality education since 1927 with motto 'Excellence in Education'. Excellence is not simply an objective but a fulfilling journey in which every member of the Podar community strives to enable students to grow and blossom into responsible, global citizens. It is our constant Endeavour to shape well rounded personalities that will contribute positively to the world around them.

We aim to provide sufficient opportunities to each student to discover and understand themselves and face and overcome challenges presented to them to make school life fulfilling and complete. The aim behind all our co-curricular and academic activities is not only to impart bookish knowledge but to provide the environment for the young minds to take wings. It is the role of a school to instill desirable qualities in their students and this can be done when we provide appropriate situations that require individuals to set up to be leaders when the need arises. At PIS Sangli, we aim at empowering our children to help them be the best they can be.

Mr. G. B. Patil
M.A.B. Ed. M.B.A.
Principal, Podar International School - Sangli.

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