Getting in Cambridge International; Getting on in Life.

In today's shrinking boundaries, offering a global perspective has become the need of the hour. We at Podar International School, Cambridge International Examination acknowledge this by offering trilingual opportunities to learn, to think and perform in ways that will be required of the future generations.

One of the main reasons why schools register with Cambridge is the knowledge that Cambridge qualifications open doors to universities worldwide and Cambridge programs deliver excellence in education, which is in tune with the Podar motto of "Excellence in Education" they help the learner to be Confident, responsible, innovative and engaged. We at Podar Tathawade equip the student for success in higher education and beyond by developing qualifications that prepare learners with skills and knowledge they need, that is :

  • Learners who can think independently.
  • Learners who can analyze and synthesize information.
  • Learners who are willing to engage- not just in their studies but in co curricular activities also, that impact the world around them.

Cambridge International Tathawade provides a holistic approach, so that students can make links between topics rather than learning in 'bite sized" chunks. Greater flexibility is provided to the well trained teachers who keep the student centric approach in mind. The approach to analyzing and evaluating different perspectives helps Podarites develop essential thinking and reasoning skills. Being an International Curriculum our students learn to construct, reflect and communicate their view point clearly and independently. Provisions for games and sports, performing arts, cultural activities add to the totality of experiences.

Apart from working abroad, I have attended training programs in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Thailand, India, Indonesia and Germany; The more I am associated with Cambridge, IGCSE Education, the more I am convinced that it is a very valuable course and every student who wishes to do something enterprising in the future should benefit from it. The cream on the cake is that Podar's believe in "Traditional Values and modern Thoughts" so our students get the best of both the worlds.

I am honored and proud to be heading the Cambridge International section at Tathawade. It is a deeply enriching experience to be a facilitator for students where sky is not the limit. The Journey for our students has just begun and we rejoice at every success of each and every student as they race towards realizing their dreams for Podar's believe in providing the infrastructure to scale great heights by preparing students to take the next step in the path of lifelong learning and becoming Global Citizens.

Mrs. Nita Kumar
Principal, Podar International School - Pune (Tathawade - Cambridge International)

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