• Largest education board of the country with more than 21,000 schools affiliated to it across India and abroad.
  • Pan-India curriculum that has a common framework across the country allowing easy mobility for students.
  • Allows great degree of flexibility according to the school and student profile, thus catering to a diverse range of schools.
  • The CBSE Board is futuristic and has been at the forefront of the recent education reforms and keeping in line with its philosophy of keeping pace with changing times.
  • The curriculum is regularly reviewed and kept updated both in terms of subject content and approach as well as addition of new subjects necessary to be included in today’s dynamic environment. Through its frontline curriculum, the syllabus is reviewed and outdated content is deleted and new content added to make the curriculum dynamic and relevant.
  • The Board follows the cafeteria approach and an inter-disciplinary policy with regard to choice of subjects. There is a wide spectrum of subject choices for students.
  • Higher-order thinking is encouraged as reflected in the assessment policy.
  • The system of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) followed from Class 1 to 10 by the CBSE Board has received widespread appreciation.
  • The CBSE Board provides all the necessary prerequisites in terms of quality, recognition and acceptance in the country and abroad.

DETAILS OF CBSE BOARD - Facts at your fingertips

Name of Board

Central Board of Secondary Education



Year of Establishment


Head Office

Central Board of Secondary Education, Siksha Kendra, 2 Community Preet Vihar, New Delhi 110 092.

Number of Schools as on 05/2019


Medium of Instruction


Prime Focus

Innovations in teaching-learning methodologies by devising students friendly and students centered paradigms.

Main Objective

To define appropriate approaches of academic activities to provide stress free, child centered and holistic education to all children without compromising on quality.


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